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[I do not own BNHA and the characters, etc.]

Present Mic: Yeah, yeah... LET'S START!!


[Jeez... Okay...]


It was a seemingly normal day in Class 1-A,
Mr. Aizawa hasn't arrived yet, so everyone was talking with each other while some just sat down and stayed silent.

One particular girl by the name of 'Momo Yaoyorozu' was staring at a plain-looking boy, that boy was 'Izuku Midoriya'

Midoriya was writing some things on his notebook labeled 'Hero Analysis For The Future'

"Why do I keep staring at him?"
Momo thought.

Asui tilted her head as she looked at Momo staring at Izuku.
"She's been frequently staring at Midoriya lately... Kero..."

Mina overheard Asui and approached her,
"I guess you're right, I wonder why though..."

Mr. Aizawa comes in and everyone sat down, behaving themselves.

"This is new... Anyways, seems like we have to decide on a class representative... I'll leave everything to you guys..."
He immediately slept in his sleeping bag after saying that.

Everyone was raising their hands and shouting, Iida stopped everyone and decided that they should hold an election.

'Election Results'
'Izuku Midoriya - 3'
'Momo Yaoyorozu - 2'
'Tenya Iida - 0'

And everyone else either got 1 or none.

Bakugo was angry but Sero taped him to the chair before something bad happens,
Uraraka was trying to hide the fact that she voted for Izuku,
Iida was disappointed since he wanted to be class rep but he thought he did the right choice.

Mr. Aizawa gets up like a zombie,
"It's decided... Izuku Midoriya will be our class representative... Deputy class rep will be Momo Yaoyorozu..."

Both of them went in front of the class...

Momo was excited, she didn't show that she was though,
Midoriya was shaking from nervousness which Momo thought was cute after taking a glance at him.

Everything went by fast and it was already lunch,
Everyone was at 'Lunch Rush's Eatery'

"I can't believe I'm class rep... But I feel like I'm not qualified for it..."
Midoriya was worried he wasn't going to be a good representative.

"I think you'll do great, that's why I voted for you..." Said Iida while eating.

While they were talking, a loud siren could be heard,
'Level 3 Security Breach! All students please leave outside promptly!'
Everyone started panicking and running.

It was densely packed, Midoriya was being pushed around, he went to the large window and saw...

'The press!' He thought.

>Outside the school<

News reporters and interviewers were pressuring Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa to see All Might,
"Oi... Can't we just beat them up? They are illegally trespassing..."
Present Mic whispered in Mr. Aizawa's ear,
"We can't, that would give us a bad reputation... Besides, the police will soon arrive..."
He talked back.

>Back inside the school<

"Everyone! Calm dow-" Shouted Kirishima before being consumed by the crowd.

"Uraraka! Use your quirk on me!"
Said Midoriya,
Uraraka reached out and activated her quirk on Izuku.

Midoriya floated to the entrance of the exit,

Everyone calmed down and went back to what they were doing.

The police arrived and made every news reporter, interviewers, cameramen, etc. leave the school.

After a while, they all went back to class,
Everyone was praising Izuku except Bakugo, who was trying not to explode.

Momo just smiled and gave a thumbs up, which Izuku saw and smiled back.


[To Be Continued... IDK...]
[Hopefully, you enjoyed...]

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