12. I'm watching you

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And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.

Surah Al-Baqarah(2), Verse 155


I closed my eyes before I heard a gunshot followed by gasps. A tear rolled down my eye without my consent. The gunshot rang in my ear. My mind went blank. The only thing that lingered on my mind was Dad's death. The moment he lost his life infront of me replayed in my mind. The moment I lost my father was the only thing in my mind. I can't bear to lose Adyaan. My heart was throbbing frantically and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I could hear some voices but I couldn't make out the words.

I just stood there, my eyes closed and my hands tightly holding my clutch. Before I knew it, I was embraced by a very familiar person. I wanted to hug him back but I felt numb.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered.

Hearing his voice, few tears rolled down my eyes. My hands automatically went to his back and hugged him back.

After few moments, we pulled away. He cupped my cheeks and wiped away the tears.

"What happened?" I asked after I calmed down. Nawal came to stand beside me.

"That!" He said, looking at something behind me. I turned around and saw two officers holding an injured Farhan some distance away from us. He had blood flowing from his arm. One of the cops was talking on the cell phone while the others were scattered around. And Farhan knew if he tried fleeing with his injured arm, he will be caught so he was standing firm in his place. He had some sort of rage and fire in his eyes. He had his jaw clenched and his fists, balled.

"The officers came just in time when Farhan was about to shoot me. But before he could press the trigger, they shot Farhan in the arm." Adyaan explained before saying Alhamdulillah.

"You will regret this. You all will! Many like you work under me! You are nothing! you don't know who you are arresting!" Farhan said, his voice calm yet dangerous.

The Officer who was busy with the call came to stand in front of Farhan. Looks like he is the head of them all.

"We know you very well, Mr.Farhan Khan. You are just another criminal who wants to destroy the world." The officer said, his last sentence filled with bitterness.

"Just another?!" Farhan let out a humorless laugh, "Then you definitely don't know me!"

"But it will be better if you know us, we are not the ones who sell ourselves, our duties and our profession to criminals like you! You have no way out!" The officer seemed confident.

Farhan again laughed before saying, "Keep dreaming!"

"Atleast he's going behind the bars!" Nawal commented.

"But who dared to call the cops after the other person was shot?" Adyaan asked to no one in particular.

"I did." I replied.

And at that moment, I saw Farhan's eyes snapped towards me. His eyes had anger and hatred.


"Really?" Adyaan asked.

I just nodded before my eyes met Farhan's. He looked like he wanted to pounce on me and kill me. His lips twitched upwards.

"This is a public place. We should go." The officer stated.

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