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"Falling in love isn't Haraam,
What you do with that love is what makes it Haraam or Halaal."
-Sheikh Yasir Qadhi


His eyes were vivid yet they were dull in some sense. They looked metallic yet they held pureness. One can see silvering moons shining in them yet they held no shine and were lost somewhere. His sterling eyes were distant with another pair of eyes blocking his mind. Those dark, rich and angelic eyes were like sun baked soil. Brown eyes are common but hers held innocence and purity in them.

He just couldn't block her exquisite face. Her innocent smile was something he couldn't take off his mind.

In their first encounter, he had felt something tiny weeny in his heart but like every other person, he ignored it. But the second encounter, it was sudden and unexpected, his heart had started beating frantically and he couldn't help but give her a tiny smile. And when they went in search of the Gymnasium, his heart was swollen with joy. It was not because he spent the time with siblings but simply because he felt happy. He was being himself. He knew she was annoyed when he said that the area doesn't have Gym. He had loved teasing her and the look her eyes held before she drove away was something he couldn't forget. Her eyes held a look of kid who got his favourite candy. It held a glint of pride and happiness 'cause she was right. He was amazed by it. Whenever he sees her, he feels a wierd sensation in his heart. As dramatic as it sounds, it was the truth. He knew he liked her but he wasn't ready to accept it.

"Are you okay?" He heard Abyah ask as she gently touched my arm.

"Yeah. All good. Are you done?" He asked her.

"Yeah." She said as she shook her mobile.

She was talking to Yusuf, her fiance. They are engaged since last two months. Yusuf wanted to build his career first before he proceed toward his wedding. He is the only son of rich parents. But instead of taking over family business he wanted to start his own company. His company is doing well, Alhamdulillah. And now he is in the process of collaborating his company with his Dad's. After all this things are settled down, his family will come here to fix the date of Yusuf and Abyah's wedding.

He would call Abyah once a week. Sometimes twice. Abyah was a bit uncomfortable with it since he was still her Non-mahram. So she wanted Arshan beside her whenever she talks to him. Yusuf respected it since his thought were similar to hers.

"When will he come?" He asked.

"Within two months, Insha Allah." She said with a tiny shy smile.

"Ya Allah! Why did we shift here? It would have been good if we stayed back in Saudi Arabia. I would have met you whenever I wanted."


"After Yusuf will take you away-" He was stopped by her grinning.

"This is not funny." He retorted.

"Are you saying that you will miss me?" She asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course I will miss my twinzy!" He said, pulling her cheeks.

"I will miss you too!" She grinned as she ruffled his hair.

He smiled his one sided smile. He knew he will miss her more than he expects. She was not just his twin, she was his best friend with whom he would share everything. She was six minutes older than him. They were non-identical twins. His eyes were shades of grey where as her's was solid Amber colour with strong coppery tint. She got her eyes from her mother, who had same Amber eyes with little less coppery tint. Their smile was alike. Both usually gave one sided smiles. His was charming were as hers was innocent.

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