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"BELLA AND EDWARD are here," Carlisle informed Amelia, who was laying on her bed, reading the new issue of Vogue. "Will you come out and greet them?"

"Be right there," she murmured, shutting the pages of her magazine shut.

Carlisle sighed, taking a step into her room first. She gazed at him curiously as he took a seat at the edge of her bed. "I understand the situation with the Volturi has gotten worse."

She rolled her eyes. "Who told you?"

"I'm disappointed that you did not want to tell me yourself, Mia."

She frowned at the sadness in Carlisle's expression. She sat up and looked at him. "Carlisle, I did not want you to worry. I can handle this situation, I promise."

"But I know you, Mia, and I know how strong your relationship with Paul is. I know you would sacrifice yourself for his safety, and I'm just not sure I can allow you to run off to Volterra without knowing if you are going to return. It doesn't soothe well with me, and neither with Esme. We're extremely concerned."

She chewed on her lower lip. "I don't know what to do. Aro will hurt Paul, I just know it. And with Demetri being in the same room? It's too much, Carlisle."

"Then let us go with you," he insisted. "As a family."

"You can't," she shook her head as a refusal. "If the rest of you join me, questions about Bella's mortality will arise. Then what? I would be saving myself from one situation just to put our whole family in another."

Both vampires heard Edward's call up the stairs, and Amelia smiled. "We can speak about this later, Carlisle. I'm sure Bella's gotten herself into some trouble again."

He reluctantly nodded. "Alright. I just hope you understand how much we all love you, and how we're willing to go the distance if it ensures your safety."

She grinned. "I'll never forget."


Amelia had to pick Paul up from Sam's house before her graduation, and she was determined to set Jacob straight in the process. When she entered, she smacked him over the head, angering him quickly.

"Jacob Black! In what universe do you think it's acceptable to kiss my brother's girlfriend and get her hand broken?"

Jacob's temper faded, his frown turning into a smirk. "Don't worry about it, Amelia. That kiss is between me and Bella. I'll see you at graduation."

She rolled her eyes and darted her attention towards Paul, who was wearing a nice button-down shirt and a pair of black pants. She shrieked in happiness at his appearance and walked over to his figure, smiling up at him.

"You look great!"

"Yeah, Paul," Jared smirked from his spot at Emily's table. "You look great."

"Shut up, Cameron," Paul grumbled at him. His face lit up, however, at the sight of his imprint. "Hi, gorgeous. You ready to graduate?"

Dangerous Woman ▷ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now