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     "I'M SO EXCITED that Bella's coming to the bonfire this time around!" Amelia exclaimed in glee to Paul, who was attempting to cook lunch. Amelia had observed as he already burned three hot dogs, but was still his personal cheerleader, nonetheless.

     "You still want to go?" Paul mused. "I know you're slightly uncomfortable by all of the stares."

     "It's fine," she waved off. "They'll probably be looking at Bella more than me anyways."

     "Doubt they'll take their eyes off you," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her when she wrapped her arms around his middle. "I surely can't."

     She giggled and kissed him again before she smelled the burning hot dog. "Paul!" She yelled, making him jump. He cursed and quickly turned off the stove.

     "I should be better at this by now."

     She smiled and pecked his cheek. "Maybe you should leave the cooking to the other boys tonight."

     And, surely enough, Paul had been the one who was eating the most at the bonfire. Amelia was seated comfortably next to Bella with Paul right next to his imprint, arm thrown over her shoulder casually.

     "Are you gonna eat that hot dog?" Paul asked Jacob with a glimmer in his eye.

     Amelia giggled and patted his stomach, which was still flat. "Haven't you had enough? You've eaten like twenty by this point."

     "Can never eat too much, Mia."

     "I guess," Jacob replied hesitantly. "I'm so full I'm about to puke, but I think I can force it down. I won't enjoy it at all, though."

     Paul glared at him. "Sheesh," Jacob laughed. "Kidding, Paul. Here."

     "Thanks, man," Paul said as he devoured the hot dog. Amelia laughed at his hunger and kissed his cheek in adoration. Jared, who was sitting beside them with Kim seated in between his legs, twisted his expression into one of disgust.

     "Why do I always have to be the one to witness this?"

     "You're acting as if you weren't making out with Kim just a few seconds ago," Amelia teased. Jared rolled his eyes as Kim laughed.

     "Do you need another hot dog?" Amelia asked her soulmate. "You eat like no one's been feeding you this whole time."

     "You can just say that he's fat, Mia," Embry chuckled. "Don't have to be so nice about it."

     "Shut your trap, Call."

     "It's getting late," Amelia heard Bella murmur to Jacob.

     "Don't start that yet," Jacob whispered. "The best part is coming."

     "What's the best part? You swallowing an entire cow whole?"

     Amelia snickered at Bella's comment. Jacob chuckled. "No. That's the finale. We didn't meet just to eat through a week's worth of food. This is technically a council meeting. It's Quil's first time, and he hasn't heard the stories yet. Well, he's heard them, but this will be the first time he knows they're true. That tends to make a guy pay closer attention. Kim and Seth and Leah are all first-timers, too."

Dangerous Woman ▷ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now