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AFTER VOLTERRA GREW dark, the Volturi allowed the group to leave. Bella was shaken, thrown off by the group of humans they saw before they left, all becoming feasts for the Volturi to dine on. Edward had comforted her while Alice and Amelia found a new car to steal in order to get back to the airport.

Bella refused to fall asleep during the journey, insisting that if she did, she would only open a closet to hundreds of nightmares the Volturi had already created.

Amelia felt so relieved when she saw her family waiting for them at the Seattle airport. Emmett had picked her up and spun her around, causing her to laugh loudly at his actions. Alice and Jasper immediately embraced one another, while Esme scolded Edward for pulling such a stunt.

"Thank you, Bella," Carlisle spoke. "We owe you."

"Hardly," the human girl muttered back.

"She's dead on her feet," Esme noticed, scanning Bella's frame. "Let's get her home."

Once they arrived at the parking garage and saw Rosalie, Edward stiffened.

"Don't," Esme whispered. "She feels awful."

Esme was referring to the fact that Rosalie was the one who told Edward that Bella had committed suicide, causing him to travel to the Volturi in the first place. Her mistake was meant to provoke Edward to come back home, but it was evident that her plan backfired greatly.

"She should," Edward replied, holding no remorse for his sister.

"It's not her fault," Bella drawled in a tired voice.

"Let her make amends," Esme pleaded. "We'll ride with Alice and Jasper."

"Please, Edward," Bella murmured.

Edward sighed, and they piled into the car. Amelia squeezed herself next to Bella, who laid her head on Edward's chest and closed her eyes.

"Edward," Rosalie began.

"I know," Edward replied gruffly.

"Bella?" Rosalie asked in a soft tone.

It was the first time Rosalie had spoken directly to her, and Bella's eyes opened in shock. "Yes, Rosalie?"

"I'm so very sorry, Bella. I feel wretched about every part of this, and so grateful that you were brave enough to go save my brother after what I did. Please say you'll forgive me."

Amelia was surprised by her sister's sudden apology. It sounded a bit awkward coming from Rosalie's mouth, but Bella seemed content with her words.

"Of course, Rosalie," Bella mumbled. "It's not your fault at all. I'm the one who jumped off the damn cliff. Of course I forgive you."

"It doesn't count until she's conscious, Rose," Emmett joked, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm conscious," Bella responded in a pair of jumbled noises.

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