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     ROSALIE WAS FURIOUS. She believed that Amelia would side with her like Emmett and Jasper had, but the girl had different ideas. Amelia thought there was no question to what Edward had done. If she was in the same position, she wouldn't allow Bella to die either.

     She had been slightly criticized over the years for her lack of concern. The family felt they could be more exposed since Amelia loved to interact with the humans, but she always covered her tracks. No one suspected she was anything less than mortal.

     "Rose, you can't stay mad at me forever," she murmured, walking alongside the girl. The first bell rang, echoing throughout the campus. "I had to choose what was right."

     "Shouldn't you be getting on the bus for your field trip?" The blonde shot back, her wavy hair matching the color of Amelia's.

     "C'mon, Mia," Jasper tugged on her arm. She frowned but followed her brothers and sister. Alice had a skip in her step, as per usual. Jasper had hesitated at the family meeting when he heard what Alice had seen. Emmett was forever stuck to Rosalie's side, so there was tension running inside the Cullen home.

     Amelia whispered lowly to Edward about how she thought Rosalie was never going to get past this. He chuckled and swung his arm over her shoulder, kissing her forehead. "You'll be fine, Mia." Her eyes focused on Bella's figure as she watched the group walk forward. Mike was distracting her with the topic of prom, but she was barely listening. Amelia snorted at Mike's offer and Bella's excuse. It was obvious the boy couldn't take a hint.

     She stepped forward and extended her arm towards him. "Mike, want to sit with me on the bus?" His face lit up and he nodded, looping his arm through hers. She twisted her body and winked at her siblings, who laughed at her gesture.

     The ride on the bus was filled with Mike's endless chatter. Amelia was staring out the window, gazing at the scenery. She longed to be able to step into the sun, but she knew it was impossible. She could head to the clearing that Edward showed her, a place where nobody could see. She hated seeing the monster she was when her skin sparkled like there was millions of jewels harvested underneath, proving she was no longer the girl set to marry Richard Amelle.

     "Are you going to prom?" Mike suddenly asked, building enough courage to sputter it out. Amelia returned her attention to him and grinned, her hand touching his arm. His mind swirled into a hazy fog and his eyes washed over into a sea of gray.

     "I would, Mike, but I'd hate to take a brilliant date away from an expecting girl. Jessica is definitely into you, isn't she? You should ask her."

     His orbs turned back into the baby blue that Amelia loved. She reminisced on her old eye color, remembering how the light sapphire sparkled in the sun. "You're being awfully nostalgic today," Edward commented. He was sitting four rows behind her and Mike, with Alice and Jasper in front of him.

     Can't help it, she replied without uttering a single word. She loved Edward's power sometimes because she didn't have to speak aloud — he already knew. Days like this make me want to go back to the 1920's.

     "And what? Be treated like a trophy wife?"

     It was a different time. You know that. What about you, huh? You remember Alice's vision yesterday.

     Edward growled. "Don't talk about it, Mia. I want to erase it from my memory." Amelia snickered. Edward had to come face to face with the truth sometime. Plus, an extra addition to the family wouldn't hurt.

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