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"OH MY GOD, can't you guys make out literally anywhere else? This is where I eat my food!"

Amelia and Paul ignored Jared's loud exclamation, proceeding to kiss near the kitchen table. They failed to pull away until the whole pack came flooding into the house, complaining about Amelia and Paul's avid affection for one another.

Amelia giggled and slid off of Paul's lap, pulling her backpack on. Her soulmate groaned at the movement.

"Do you have to go?" He whined, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her back to him. "You can ditch school with me again."

"Well, I actually want to graduate high school again," she teased, pressing another kiss to his lips. "Unlike some others, who are currently failing."

"Hey!" Most of the pack protested at Amelia's comment. She offered them all a solid look — patrol took over almost all of their lives, causing them to fall back on their studies. Most of them didn't seem to care about their academic performance, however.

"Anyways, I actually have to go," she announced.

"Okay," Paul conceded, while Embry made a kissy face at him. Paul glared.

She waved goodbye to the pack, including Leah and Seth. The latter was joyous at Amelia's presence, delighted to befriend a different species other than shapeshifter or human. Leah, however, was indifferent to everyone who came, and had a similar reaction to Jake when she discovered of Paul's imprint. Amelia couldn't blame her — Leah had been put through absolute hell during these past two months, considering her phasing was one of the causes for her father's heart attack, and her discovery that she was the only female shapeshifter in the entire reservation, along with the fact that her new alpha was her ex-fiancé. Amelia guessed she didn't particularly like it either when they always had meetings at Emily's place, having to see her cousin smacking face with Sam almost everyday.

Amelia hoped Leah could find it in her heart to warm up to vampires, for Amelia really wanted them to become close.

The blonde was joyous when she arrived at school, delighted to be around the company of others after being away for so long. She loved Paul more than anything, but spending time with mere humans gave her utmost pleasure.

She had forgotten, nonetheless, about Mike Newton's affections.

"Hey, Mia!" The boy greeted her as soon as she walked into the building. "Want me to carry your books for you?"

She smiled softly. "I can manage, Mike. Thank you."

The boy continued to chatter animatedly as they walked together. Mike definitely knew about Paul — the entirety of Forks and La Push couldn't stop gossiping when they discovered that a Cullen and a guy from the reservation were suddenly an item.

This information, however, did not deter Mike's devotion to Amelia.

"So, I told Eric that he shouldn't have-"

"Mike," she interrupted him, stopping in the middle of the hallway. His attention was entirely focused on her. "You know that I'm dating Paul, right?"

Dangerous Woman ▷ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now