Town. Chapter 14.

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"whoa this town really scary, it could be used for a horror film" jack said with a smile as they walked down a path. "yeah and they people aren't friendly either so I wonder why someone would build such a posh hotel so close to this town" Sousuke said looking at the house. "well maybe the hotel for people who enjoy old fashion towns or maybe it was build for stuff like a hero party where no one will be near" Makoto said with a smile and they all nodded. "I hear it was build near this town because of the curse child story, the old owner loved the curse child story and built it so he could learn more about this town" chris smiled. 

"the cursed child, what is that about" jack said puzzled. "I'm sure its just an old story the town use to get more people to come" makoto said with a worried smile. "oh so you guys didnt hear about the curse child story, wanna hear it" chris grinned. "cursed child, sure tell us" Sousuke said and they all found a bench to sit on. 

"many years ago a child was born but no it had the blood of the devil and was born cursed, the child became a monster as it grew and scared its parents everyday to the point they had to lock him up in an old room  and leave him there for years. the parents tried to be forgiven by god by leaving the monster to die and had two other children hoping to have a happy loving family. But the cursed child still made town a living hell even locked up he bought the town horrible luck and many died over the years but one day one of the cursed child siblings found the room he was trapped in and opened it without letting anyone find out, and as thanks the cursed child granted to kid a wish but before the wish was given the parents found out he had escaped and called the town for help but he lost all control and killed the new family no he sliced with no mercy then burning there bodies to hide prove the cursed child cried at what he did and ran wishing he died with them and no one ever knew what happened to him but he still feared to this day" chris said with a small smile while jack was spoke. 

"what the hell that horrible, they didnt even manage to kill the monster how scary, to think he might be here still waiting for his next pray" jack said scared. "oh come on its just an old story so calm down" Sousuke said rolling his eyes. "yeah there no way a monster with the devil blood could really be born" Makoto faked laughed.

"that a funny thing to say sir, I'm sure you must truly believe in monsters" a nun said and everyone turned to see her. "ah sorry miss we dont mean anything bad, we not from here" chris said with a smile and kissed her hand like a prince. "its fine, think as you wish but just be careful when talking about the cursed child in this town many still fear him" the nun smiled.  "sure thanks miss, so do you believe in the cursed child" jack asked with a sweet smile.  "I do but I think the stories told are mostly lies, I think something different happen with the cursed child but I feel sorry for the cursed boy as everything was taken from him since birth" the nun said with a sad smile. "yeah it was cruel how they delt with him, they didnt even give him a a chance to prove himself" Sousuke said with a frown. "excually so I dont think he as evil as the story says, I think many lies was kept from us" the nun smiled. "well thank you miss we be carefully from now on, so please enjoy your day" Makoto said with a smile. "yes have a nice day, if you would like to know anything please ask" the nun smiled and walked off but stopped and stared at makoto before she kept walking.

"why dont we go get something to eat" jack smiled. "sure but do they have cafes here" Sousuke asked as they walked. "yeah I'm sure there a small one up ahead" chris smile. "well lets hurry along and get something warm to eat" Makoto smiled. 

"hey do you really think that story true" jack asked with a frown. "I'm sure a kid like him was born but I dont think he was cursed I'm sure the town mistook him with old beliefs" makoto smiled. "yeah I guess your right, just like people born with powers always scare others so maybe it was like that" chris grinned. "well lets just move on from that and have a good day" Sousuke smile. 

"I wonder if I should tell him about the letter or should I let him enjoy his new life" the nun smiled as she watched from a distance.


"oh did you know about the new hero school opening" jack said with a smile. "so they really gonna open it, that's good since there only two small schools for kids with powers in the world" Sousuke said crossing his arms. "yeah well its gonna be huge, this is a school to teach everyone into becoming a hero, but they still waiting for hero's to become a teacher for them" chris smiled. "well not many hero's would join as a teacher, they wont be able to save others anymore" Makoto smiled.  "yeah well it should open next year but it they dont get another pro hero's to join as teachers they close it" chris said with worry. "lets hope more hero's will be happy quitting  to work as a teacher" Sousuke smiled. "I'm sure they get enough hero's, since not many become famous so there many who need a stable job" jack grinned. "yeah being a hero it hard work" makoto smiled. 

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