A New Guest. Chapter 2.

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"hero's can we have a word" a female news reporter yelled and the hero's walked over. "so what would you like to know miss" sleepy voice said with a kind smile. "what is it like saying the day yet again, do you ever get tired of it" the female news reporter said with a small smile. "we always glad to save others its what hero's are but it can be hard to have a normal life when your a hero" free water said with his hero smile. "do you ever wish you never became a hero sometimes" the female reporter said with a grin hoping to get something good. "sure we do, we normal people like you guys everyone sometimes wish they could be something else but we proud and happy being hero's and wont change a thing" flames said with a cute grin. "a great answer, so is it hard to be a hero in this town" the female reporter asked with a little worry. "sure before we got name a hero anyone with powers would be abused or attacked or worse so it wasn't easy before being a hero but we glad we could show everyone the hope we can bring" jumper said with excitement. "guys time moving on so hurry up or boss will get mad" tracker said into the mike with worried as she watched. "my last question is for the number one hero the prince, why did you become a hero" the female new report said with a smile. "i want to save those who reaching out for a hand but can never find one, i promise i be reaching towards those hands" the prince said with a kind smile. "thank you, well i hope i get to ask more another time hero's good luck"  the female report said and stood back. "thank you, please talk to the boss and make a interview with her" the knight said with a small grin and the hero's went off. "i will get more out of you prince trust me" the female reporter giggled.


"hero's heads up and put on your inside masks, we got an outsider coming in" miho yelled with worry and the hero's all grabbed there mask used for out of hero fighting. "be nice to this kid and try to get along, just be warned he is a little hyper" goro said with a worried smile. "oh and prince you might want to stay in the back for this guy" the boss smiled and the doors opened and a tall pink hair pretty boy walked in. 

"hello nice to meet you hero's I'm kisumi" kisumi said with a bright smile. "he will be joining us and helping around here but no worries he wont find out who anyone of you are" miho smiled and giggled when she saw Makoto face drop. "he will also be joining us at tonight party but he new to this so please help him out" goro said trying to hold back his laugh from seeing Makoto face. "i hope we can all get along and be good mates" kisumi smiled. "why don't you guys say your hero's name and saying something about yourself" goro smiled. "try to relaxed i promise he knows no one true face so just keep your mask on" the boss smiled as she patted Makoto head. 

"I'm jumpy, lets be great friends and mess around" nagisa cheered. "I'm sleepy voice I enjoy reading so don't bother me if I got a book in my hands" rei said with a bow. "I'm tracker I love boys who are hot and have great mussels so why don't we look for some together someday" gou said with a cute smile. "I'm flames don't dare touch my sister or I will kill you" rin said crossing his arms. "free water  the name I only swim free in the pool" haru said with a straight face. "hey I'm knight just be cool around us and nothing will happen" Sousuke said with his arms crossed. "hello I'm prince its glad to meet you lets get along and if you need help just ask" Makoto smiled brightly. "sure thanks, right now we all know a little of each other lets work well" kisumi said with a grin.  "oh man the first meet couldn't have gone any worse" miho said shaking her head. "what did we suspect its them after all" goro said with a worried smile. 

"right you guys got back to chilling or training" miho yelled as she walked out. "good luck you guys" goro smiled as he walked out. 

"I'm going to read don't bother me" rei said and sat on a chair with a book. "gou lets chat" Nagisa said with a smile. "sure and look I bought a new mussels magazine" gou cheered and nagisa frowned a little. "I'm going to swim, you wanna race" haru said walking over to the small pool. "sure why not it be fun" rin said with a smile. "wow they fit all this in one room so cool" kisumi said looking around. "this is all one floor that why it fits and this is the only place we can all chill and be free everywhere else we have to act as hero's all the time" Sousuke said as he started running on a treadmill. "do this is like your guys free chill room from the rest so no one worries here, but why do you have indoor masks on" kisumi asked with worry. "because your here, only goro and miho and the rest of hero's  know our true faces so we do this to protect ourselves" Makoto said running on his treadmill. "oh I see I'm sorry I made you all ware a mask" kisumi said with a frown.

"no worries we use to it, just don't enter that room over there as its our changing and leaving area after work so no one sees us" Sousuke said pointing and running. "ah I see ok no worries, so you both excited for tonight party" kisumi said with a grin. "its meant as a well done party to us hero's but we still need to ware masks and the richest people who bought tickets get to meet and chat and do whatever they want with us hero's for a night, I rather do other plans" Makoto said with a frown. "yeah I guess your right only everyone but the hero's will be having true fun" kisumi said with a worry. "its fine its part of a hero job so don't be too down" Sousuke said and stopped running. "you done already" Makoto said shocked. "yeah we got a party tonight so we all go home early to get ready so I'm cutting training" Sousuke said and got his towel. "whatever have fun" Makoto said and put his headphones in and trained harder.

"sorry about him, he a great hero but he not use to people but he always train harder then us here" Sousuke said worried as that looked rude. "don't worry its fine, I have a friend like him so I understand" kisumi said with a smile. "I'm glad I'm worried he always be misunderstood" Sousuke grinned and sat down. "nah no worries my friend Makoto is just like him, maybe you know him" kisumi asked with a smile. "Makoto I don't think so" Sousuke said faking. "oh really he works in this building somewhere but he cant tell me were for safety reasons" kisumi smiled. "I'm sure he a great guy and say thanks for helping us hero's" Sousuke smiled. "so when do you guys get to take your mask of around me" kisumi asked with a grin. "depends on us, if we think your ready and can handle not telling anyone who we are we take them off but it take time" Sousuke said and kisumi nodded. 

"hey idiots stop training and leave" miho yelled by the door. "you guys need to get home and get ready" goro yelled. "oh man already, I don't wanna go home" nagisa wined like a child. "I hope there be some rich cute men tonight" gou cheered. "like hell I let any of them near you so give up now" rin said as he rolled his eyes. "make sure you all behave everyone" rei yelled with worry. "hey prince time to leave", he cant hear us, knight get your teammate please" haru yelled as the rest walked into the private area for them. "is it fine to just leave him" kisumi said with worry as they stayed sitting down. "yeah I give him another five minutes then take him away" Sousuke said chilling on the sofa.  "you guys are really good teammates" kisumi smiled. "nah that's only as hero's, the prince never talks or hangs out with us outside of the hero work so we only seen as great partners" Sousuke said rubbing his neck. "that's a shame well I'm sure you get along better soon" kisumi smiled and stood. "well I better getting going, I see you lot tonight" kisumi smiled and walked away. 

"hey Makoto time to leave" Sousuke said beside Makoto as he ran. "just a little more" Makoto said running still. "no I gave you extra time already so lets go or I carry you" Sousuke said rolling his eyes. "fine" Makoto stopped and got his towel. "so its nice your talking to me a lot more today, did something happen" Sousuke said puzzled. "i was just being nicer as we have a new guest, boss told me to act more social today or else" Makoto said shivering at her. "ah i see, well lets go" Sousuke said and they walked of.

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