An Old Town. Chapter 11.

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"right, we go find the hotel and book us all in, we let you all decide who be room mates as each room hold two beds" goro smiled. "we send you a text what rooms we go and just send us who rooming with who do we can give you a room number" kisumi said with a smile. "after we left you lot can take your masks of and go looking around the town, we wont need to meet up until tonight party so have fun" miho smiled and the three left all the hero's.

"oh man I'm so excited for this week" nagisa cheered in the bus. "yeah I cant wait to meet the best hero's ever" gou fan girl. "this town looks very old" rin said with a frown as he looked out the window. "yeah this town not changed for over a 100 years so its just got simple shops and stuff" rei said pushing his glasses up. "yeah the hotel where we standing is all original and only gets used for hidden or important meetings but not many people come for the town" haru said as he looked out the window. "hey Makoto wake up, we here" Sousuke said with a smile as Makoto slowly and cutely opened his sleepy eyes. "oh sorry did I fall asleep" Makoto said like a sleepy child and sat up. 

"Makoto was so cute when he was sleeping why wake him" haru said in a grumps. "yeah and he even cuddle up to Sousuke arm as he slept, I took pictures" Nagisa giggled. "like it was hot and cute, Makoto really seems like a kitten cuddled up to his master" Gou giggled. "come on guys lets leave Makoto alone and go walk around town for a bit" rei smiled as Makoto was already bright red blushing. "yeah, nagisa already sent us the pictures he took so we can wind Makoto up later" rin grinned and they all walked of the bus. 

"oh man I'm so sorry, I didnt even knew I fell asleep and I must have embarrassed you" Makoto said with worry. "hey dont worry I thought you were really cute all cuddle up to me, oh we better hurry they leaving us behind" Sousuke smiled and pulled Makoto as he ran after the rest. 


"hey this shop said gifts, should we check it out" rei said with a smile. "sure this is the first shop we found after walking for an hour" Nagisa said with a small smile. "oh man this town really creeping me out" Gou said holding her arms. "yeah I feel like we be killed soon and anyone else feels a pair of eyes following them" rin said and a shiver went down is back. "I know right, what the hell is this place, no wander no one comes to the hotel" haru said looking around. "so where is this place called I fell asleep before boss told us, its wired but I swore I feel like I been here before" Makoto said with a smile as he tried to think. "maybe you seen a horror film with the same design of this town, but boss called this town ..." Sousuke said with worry but the town name echoed in Makoto ears and he felt weak in the knees. Soon Makoto went so pale he might have been dead and the town name that Sousuke spoke sent shivers down his back with fear. 

"Makoto are you ok" haru said worried as he saw how pale Makoto became. "oh no are you ill" rei said worried. "I go find some water, you guys walk him over to that old wall to sit on" rin said with worry and ran in the shop. "should we call boss" Gou said worried as Makoto just stood there with fear in his eyes. "no way lets give him some time, we have been traveling awhile so he might just rushed after the travel, give him time to rest" nagisa snapped back. "hey lets sit you down" Sousuke said with worry and carried Makoto over to the wall. "I'm sorry but I need to check something" Makoto said with fear and started walking up the hill, with everyone rushing after him.


"what the hell is this place" rin said shocked as they came to a stop at the very top of the hill. "looks like a house was burned down here" haru said as he looked at the burn down house parts all of the grounds. "I wonder what happened here" rei said as he looked around.

"hey Makoto, do you know this place" nagisa asked with worry. "Makoto" gou yelled as Makoto fell on to his knees.

"after all they years of running I get pulled back here" Makoto barley wisped and Sousuke just heard him. "Makoto" Sousuke said with worry and hugged Makoto.

"monster" an old lady yelled and threw a stone at Makoto back making everyone turn. "the monster back" the old lady yelled and they could see others running up. "the devil son came back" a man yelled as he reach the top. "he should have died not those poor victims" a women yelled and a small group of the town threw rocks at Makoto as he stood. 

"what happened to them" Makoto said barley keeping his tears back and the group turned worried. "monster we wont let you make them suffer no more" another man yelled and threw a rock cutting Makoto ear a little. "tell me, where are they resting" Makoto yelled and tears fell. "like we tell a monster like you" a teen yelled and they all threw more rocks at him what Makoto was just letting happen.

"hey stop it" rin yelled with anger. "Makoto is not a monster" haru yelled with anger. "leave him alone" Nagisa cried. "stop throwing rocks at our friend" gou cried. "Makoto lets get out of here" rei said with worry but Makoto didnt move he just stood strong and let the tears fall before speaking. "please tell me where they are, I couldn't protect them just let me see them at peace once more" Makoto cried and stood even taller. "why should we trust a devil like you" a nun said with worry and walked to the front. "because if I came here to be a monster why would I be bothered by the dead and not the living" Makoto said back and the nun was surprised. "I guess even a monster can cry, God is too loving to be cruel to anyone, even monsters so" the nun took a breath a looked at Makoto once more. "I give you this, they be resting there but if you dare do any evil deeds things I will hope for god wrath on your soul" the nun said with anger. "thank you" Makoto smiled sweetly at them all and taking the paper before walking down the hill. "Makoto wait for us" Sousuke said with worry and they all ran after him.

"Makoto" the nun spoke once again and Makoto stopped but didnt turn back. "your mother saved me once before and she spoke often about her prince, so for the sake of her good name please dont stay long" the nun cried. "a monster has no family so her name shall never be spoiled" Makoto just hissed and kept walking. "for her sake i trust in that" the nun smiled.


"Makoto what were they talking about" gou asked worried. "why didnt you doge those rocks or use your power" nagisa asked with a frown. "yeah why the hell didnt you use your powers to protect yourself" rin yelled with anger. "they called you a monster, what was that all about, do you know this place" haru asked. "guys lets all calm down we dont know the rules of this town" rei said with worry and Makoto not spoken a word. 

"sorry i worried you all, they got the wrong person, now lets have the best week ever" Makoto smiled brightly and everyone smiled back. "sure we have a great week, we hero's who been accepted after all" Sousuke smiled but still worried over Makoto. 


"hey why do i need to share my room with an old man" kisumi said in a grumps. "oh come on, we cant share a room with hero's as they wont ware a mask inside the rooms and we the only boys so lets get along" goro smiled. "oh great, we sharing a room boss" Gou said scared for her life. "well we the only girls in the group so we dont have a choice plus i know who your really are so no worries" the boss said as she was on her phone. "lets go check out our room, I'm so excited" Nagisa cheered and ran down the hall. "hey wait i got the key to our room" rei yelled as he ran after nagisa. "whoever gets in our room first gets to pick the bed" haru said with a grin. "your so on, ready set go" rin yelled with a smirk and the two raced off. "should we check our room and settle down" Makoto said with a smile. "sure sounds fun, we be in each other care for this week" Sousuke grinned and everyone else walked of to find there rooms. 

A Sad Hero (Makoto X Sousuke)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum