The Party. Chapter 12.

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1 - real name = Chris - hero name = Crown prince - power = super strong and can turn himself into strong metal - he the number one most famous hero.

2- real name = cliff - hero name = bull's-eye - power = lasers eyes that never miss

3 - real name = jack - hero name = zap - power = electric powers

4- real name = joe - hero name = ninja - power = he can change his form into anything

5 - real name = ben - hero name - air king - power = controls wind

6 - real name = dave - hero name = echo - power = his voice echo's loud and he can control sound waves


7 - real name = alice - hero name = know it all - power = she can read minds

8- real name = mary - hero name = glitter - power = she has sun powers/ she can produce heat and make light

9 - real name = violet - hero name = flower - power = she can control flower and plants

10 - real name = vick - hero name = sketch - power = anything she draws come to life and appear in front of her


"please behave all of you, we finally been noticed by the big leads of hero's so dont mess up" goro said with a worried smile and everyone nodded. "well we let you all go free, just try to help each  others out" miho smiled and walked off with goro. 

"wow just look at all these famous hero's and we in the same room" rei said with a huge smile. "ah hey do we look ok, no one looks wired or has a sliding mask right" gou said worried. "nah we all look great and everyone masks are in place" nagisa smiled. "well lets try and mingle in and have a great night" kisumi smiled and they all started walking. "wait i dont see any dance floors and the music really boring" rin said less excited as he looked around. "lets hope its not a posh party where we just stand and talk all night" haru said with a frown. "well lets just see how the night goes and we can always live it up" Sousuke grinned. "no we got to act proper, lets just go with the flow" Makoto smiled brightly.

"hello, i not seen you before what your power" sketch said with her girly shy voice as she smile. "oh hey, sorry I'm not a hero just a helper, its nice to meet you hero sketch" kisumi smiled sweetly making the girl blush though her mask. "oh wow your got so many mussels that so hot, its great to finally meet you hero air king" Gou cheered as she ran over to him. "wow thanks your very pretty yourself hero tracker" air king smiled and they started to chat more. 

"i think your the coolest hero ever ninja, you just like a real ninja" nagisa said excited. "really thanks so much hero jumpy, like i always feel like I'm nothing its so glad to meet you" ninja said with a grin and they laughed. "I'm so sorry he just like a kid" rei said with worry. "its fine ninja needs to chill with others his age" know it all smiled.

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