july 2012

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it's summer now and her family invited me to go with them to hawaii for a week. i was in my room currently, packing my suitcase. i had never been to hawaii before. i had also never been on a trip with my girlfriend's family before. i had no clue what to expect. my parents were cool with letting me go as they had gotten to know her family over the last eight months and they trusted me. we weren't doing anything anyway. she wasn't ready and neither was i. still, i got the awkward sex talk from both my mom and dad the night before. i never wanted to have that conversation again.

she had an entire list of things shewanted us to do while we were there like scuba dive, hike, see a waterfall.she was so excited about this trip. in fact, it was all she had beentalking about the last few weeks. i was going to try my hardest to make thisthe best trip ever for her.    

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