"Betty this is peter. We've been best friends since elementary school when we sat next to each other is 5th grade. Peter here is a scientist." Ned said.

"Kind of. I'm working with my college professor dr. Connors." Peter said.

"Dr. Connors? Isn't he trying to mix human DNA with lizard DNA to regrow body parts?" Betty asked. Peter was shocked by her knowledge of doctor Connors work. "Part of my job at the bugle is to make sure that the articles are correct before they get printed. So I read a lot of magazines from a range of subjects. Somewhere in a magazine I once read there was an article about his work." Betty explained.

"It's amazing how much she understands science. I'm sure you can have an entire lecture about something involving science that's obscure and she will understand most of it." Ned said.

"You sure?" Peter said getting cocky.

"No. Not when you go full nerd. Not even Harry understands you when you go full nerd." Ned said.

"Full nerd?" Betty asked.

"Yes. Full nerd. To understand full nerd you need a little lesson on peter Parker. Peter here has been gifted with an amazing IQ of over 250." Ned said pausing. During this pause peter smiled and raised his hand. "When we were kids peter would go on rants about science that college kids barely knew. Harry called this full nerd. Trust me only people that could understand peter when he goes full nerd are other just like him."

"Sounds like a challenge." Betty said as she sat down by Ned.

"You want to try?" Ned asked skeptically.

"Yeah. Come on hit me." Betty said looking at peter. Peter blew out some air as he thought.

"Ok. Let's see what to talk about. Oh! I got it. So recently I've been tinkering with an idea in my head. Unstable molecules." Peter said.

"Unstable molecules?" Betty asked.

"Yes, unstable molecules. You see what I'm wearing right?" Peter asked gesturing to his clothes. His jacket, shirt, pants and shoes. "Your average clothes. But what if I looked at Neds clothes and decided I wanted to wear the exact same thing. If my clothes were made of unstable molecules I could change my clothes to look exactly like his. See this is because of the unstable molecules being made of specific atomic nuclei and electrons. These nuclei and electrons all the unstable molecules to allowing themoleculetoalteritsvolumeitsmassitsdensityitscolor.Itcouldbecomeredblueorangeyellowblackwhite.andthatsjustthetipoftheicebergbecauseanunstablemoleculecouldevengoasfarasto-" Peter was then cut off by Ned.

"Dude!" He practically yelled. "Too much information too short a time frame." He said. Peter sucked in a breath of air. Betty just stared at him.

"As soon as you started to talking super fast you lost me." She said.

"Yeah. That super fast talking was him going full nerd. Trust me if we let him go on there would be tons of scientific terms and other shit no one would get mixed in with that speed talking." Ned said.

"I believe it." Betty said. Peter looked at his watch. He groaned.

"Agh. I need to go. See you some other time Ned." Peter said. As peter left Ned gave him a fist bump. As he left he entered an empty back street and changed into his red and blue spider suit. "Time I give some of my attention to the big apple." Peter said as he began his swing.

Meanwhile elsewhere

Felicia was inside of another Oscorp facility. So far she hadn't tripped any alarms. She soon came to a room full of items on tables. Looking around she easily found what she wanted. It was a suit that possessed many qualities. Most important and interesting is the ability to enhance the wearers strength. It increases the wearers strength so that they could lift a car and throw it albeit with effort. It was inside of a glass case on a mannequin. Felicia made quick work of electric lock but hesitated to open believing this to have been too easy she expected a alarm to be set off as soon as she opened the case. Taking in a breath she opened the case preparing to grab the suit and make a run for the door. As soon as the door clicked open, as she expected, an alarm went off through out the facility. She quickly got the suit off the mannequin and ran for her exit making it out. She then went down to the ground where a new motorcycle almost exactly like the last one was waiting. Soon she was speeding through the city hoping that the spider was currently busy doing something with his time. He had to have had a life outside of being Spider-Man right? As she sped through the city she soon began to notice a dark figure jumping around the cars. All she saw was a mixture of black and red.

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