That Damn Urge

25 4 0

Oh god it's happening again...
That urge
That urge to see red pour from between my skin
I'm so damn sick
Everyone is afraid of me
I'm afraid of me
Dear God, why have you cursed me like this?
I can't hit my head hard enough to drown out these thoughts
Its killing me
Everything is killing me
But I won't die!
Why won't I die?!
Why do I want to?
Please make it stop
I'm begging you please
My body is tense and my heart is racing
As if my body is ready to fight or run
But there's nowhere to go to rid of myself
I have to fight
How do I fight this?
Oh, that damn urge...
I would kill to stop this urge
Would I?
Oh god, it won't stop!

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