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"Rye, RYAN, let go of them they won't hurt him, especially not with us here, Mikey, Harvey. Explain " Andy spoke voice clear and powerful, yet obviously angry. 

"We got here and some random black-haired vampire was holding brooky up by the throat whilst feeding off of him, he looked almost dead so Mikey went into attack mode and kinda killed the vampire whilst I attempted to soothe Brook, I fed him and gave him water which brought him back a bit more, I tried to soothe him but he wouldn't stop crying out for Rye, Mikey cleaned him up and eventually we managed to get him to sleep" Harvey explained quickly. 

"Holy shit," Jack said as he sat next to Brook on his bed, running his fingers through his hair as he looked down at his best friend. Immediately worrying for the boy and knowing he'd have to up their security massively for him, he couldn't let this happen to his friend ever again. 

"What the hell were you thinking guys? Leaving Brooklyn alone, in the middle of the woods in prime hunting area?Though Huh? What's that all about ?" Mikey stated clearly extremely frustrated at them for letting Brook get hurt. Although they did not regularly see Brook, they'd met him many times and both Mikey and Harvey were extremely fond of the lovely human boy, he was both mature for his age and extremely immature but they loved him for it. 

"Wait,  you guys know my Brooky?" Rye asked confused yet relieved they had helped Brook. He knew Mikey and Harvey were also close friends of Jack and Andy, who regularly visited them, but not that they were also in on the secret that they had a human friend that new about what they were, although it wasn't massively surprising it surprised him, to the extent he hadn't even noticed that he'd just laid a claim on Brook.

"NOT YOUR BROOK RYAN, HE'S MY BEST MATE JUST CAUSE YA LOVE HIM" Jack whisper yelled at Rye. Who immediately looked to the floor. 

"Sorry slip of the tongue," Rye said looking at the floor. He knew he didn't really have a claim on Brook, simply having grown extremely attached to him in the weeks he had been with them in the cabin. 

"Mike, Harvey why didn't you tell us that you were coming?" Andy asked the sensible side of him coming out as they all sat around Brook, cautious of other vampires. 

"Don't usually bother, was I meant to?" Mikey asked confused. 

"Nah You don't, it's fine. Sorry just stressed bout Brook and how dumb we are" Andy mumbled.

"I'm the dumb one I'm the one that suggested we hunt while the sleep just thought it would stop him missing us, didn't think he'd get hurt" 

"It's fine we all make mistakes Rye, and we've done it a million times before and nothing has happened it's just going to make us more prepared about looking after him," Jack said but seeing the look on Rye's face he knew the boy wasn't going to agree. The fear was obvious but the self-hatred shone through stronger.

He also knew that Rye cared a little too much about Brook too forgive himself.

Rylyn - Bite meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora