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A few days had passed in a quiet fashion, spent relaxing in the house watching films and getting to know one another better, yet the topic of why brook had randomly showed up had not yet come into conversation, and despite brooks best efforts to keep it out of conversation he knew soon enough he would have to explain to at least one if not all of the boys. Throughout their time together, Rye and brook had grown closer but it was clear Rye was still hesitant to get to know Brook. The fear of repeating the past was extremely prominent in Ryes mind.

It took until Brook had been left alone with Jack before the subject brook had so desperately tried to avoid came up, Brook laying on the sofa head in Jacks lap, legs sprawled across the long sofa, another blanket keeping him warm as they watched the boring film Andy had put on and left on when he left to go read half hour ago, leaving two boys far too comfortable to actually get up and change the film stuck watching the terrible movie choice. 

"Brook, not that I don't love the fact you're here, but why exactly are you here?"Jack said running his hands through the blondes hair, Brook turned his head to look up at Jack before whispering, 
"Um, why don't we go somewhere Rye and Fovvs don't hear first then I'll explain?"
"Yeah sure," Jack said, mildly confused but not yet questioning the request, simply lifting Brook up, running quickly to the next clearing on the hiking path, consequentially taking them out of earshot of the boys.
"There have been wildfires That controlled all of forks, my entire hometown went up in flames along with everyone in it" Brook spoke extremely quickly all of his words almost moulding into one.
"Shit brook that sucks have you checked to see if your family are alive, there's always a chance right?" Jack spoke, shocked himself at the news.
"No, but I have the number to call to check if they are, I'm just scared to find out if they're actually gone, right now I'm just living in a world where I don't know and there is still hope there ya know?" 
"I know brook, really I do but you've got to ring the number, you never know they could be absolutely fine" jack encouraged.
"Fine" And so Brooklyn rang the number, it wasn't good news for him, not at all. No one in his family had survived his house having been one of the first to be hit and with no survivors and the family home now a pile of burnt ash that was once the centre of his life, a pile of ash that he had grown up in, where his parents had gotten divorced in, seen the welcoming of his step-father, the step-sibling that had followed as well as the half-siblings, that entered years after, the house that'd he'd watched his sibling's first steps in gone as well as his family inside. 
They were gone.

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