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The next day when brook awoke rye had taken him out on a run to a field in the middle of the forest .
"I'd uh I'd planned to bring you here today and tell you all about my past , then if you still wanted me in your life ask you out , but you've skipped a step for me , so I uh I'm just gunna tell you this you don't need to say anything and if you don't want me after this I 100% understand.
So when I was born , as a human I grew up in this lovely house in a town, both my parents worked in a factory and they loved their jobs. They had me young, as you did back then I was born in 1921 after World War One ended , my dad had fought in ww1 and was traumatised by the experience, nowadays they'd call it ptsd but back then it wasn't seen as that . Shell shock was made a thing in ww2 and yeah it's stressful , to see and to have anyways when I turned 18 I signed up to be in the army I wanted to go to war , my dad died in 1939 in ww2 , We'd both been deployed in the same troop , he died trying to save me ,when I got home after the war I found my mum was dead , she'd sent a letter to my father the day she died saying to protect me. On my fathers corpse that letter and a telegram informing my father had been killed in a German raid were found and given to me , I still have them .
I killed so many in that war and contributed to destroying so much I don't know how I live with myself .
W-when I got home I lost it , I had nothing left , I mean I had my brothers , they were my world . Me and my older brother Robbie were so close before the war , but he never came back . So I had to oook after my twin siblings Sammie and Shaun they were much younger than me and I speant all of my time away from work with them, they were my world .
I worked only to look after them and god I miss them . One day I'd gotten home from work and gotten into the house with the boys they were joking and having fun when a crazy man came in , he thought everyone was a German and was shooting at everyone . my Little brothers were Shot first and then I ran to them and got shot trying to save them , I woke up in jack's house a vampire . He said that my brothers hadn't been there when he'd found me or he would have turned them aswell.
I'm so thankful jack found me that day and changed me , even if i went off the rails after that . At first we drunk human blood not knowing about animal drinkers , I felt terrible every time I did , I couldn't bare seing people in pain and eventually dead , at my hands . So I lost it , I stopped drinking for a few years , it almost killed me . I'd ran away and Andy found me in a little cabin west of Yorkshire , by myself , when he first saw me he thought I was dead , I couldn't move or speak or anything , in the end he brought blood to me , animal blood . It worked out well for me and I became a much happier person, I started travelling with jack and Andy again , then I decided to leave them alone a bit to give them some space , at first I missed them terribly and went back to see them all of the time , now I only come to see them when I miss them which isn't often because I've become very self-reliant.
Well not really , the first time I left I got involved in a strip club , I'd walked in accidentally, and managed to become a bartender immediately easily picking up the job , it wasn't till late that night that I realised what my real job was .
I'd hooked myself up as a hooker on my first night by myself . I went through with it so many times until I didn't realise that days were passing really it was just what I did , got up , hunt , shower , call Jandy , club, sex , home , repeat .
It wasn't until I went to see Jandy on my two week break that I realised how much I relied on sex to calm me down , I went back to work early that first trip which wasn't good because I desperately missed them and needed to see them aswell as spend time with them .
I kept doing things like that ya know going to see them and coming back early for thirty years . I still rely on sex too much , but lately I've had normal jobs and been avoiding the as much as possible . I don't , I don't want to be that person anymore . I was a salesman in Zimbabwe, shockingly they need a lot of them.
Normally when I'm here I miss my job because I always throw myself into it , but I don't know why , but when I'm around you I desperately don't want to be that person anymore, I know brook and jack hated what I chose to do as a job and find it ridiculous and unnecessary but I guess I rely on it, and yh yeah brook that's it that's my story"

"Wow rye , I wish so much of that shit didn't happen to you but it's turned you into the wonderful man you are now , of course I still want to be your boyfriend after that if anything I want to be your boyfriend more knowing that you were strong enough to see your parents die and your brothers and keep fighting, im so sorry things like that happened to you , I just im sorry love can I have a hug please" brook said softly end out for rye who fell into brooks arms , brook holding the boy gently.

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