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Andy looked down at the small boy falling asleep on him then disappointedly looked back at rye seeing the anger on his face he gently lay brook down on the sofa, untangling brook from himself, then following rye into the kitchen,  jack following after laying a blanket over the small boy, rye took no time in explaining exactly what the issue he had was, beginning by whisper yelling his point 

"You told a human the secret, jack -  A human"

"He's my best friend Ryan !" Jack immediately defended. 

"EXPOSURE" Rye looked exasperated already. 

"Ryan he's known since he was 10 shut up" Jack spoke seeing this conversation as meaningless. 

"But jack he could tell anyone at all about us doesn't that scare you? Exposure is the most dangerous thing in the world, do you not see that? What if he slipped up? Everyone would know!"
"Ryan I have full faith in him and so does Andy, anyways if he was going to tell he would have done that by now don't you think ?"
"Nonetheless Don't you find it weird how chilled out he is about it?" Rye asked honestly confused about how calm the boy was having been left with one of the most dangerous creatures in existence.

"It's all he has Ryan, it's all he's ever known really. Not much goes right in brooks life, we've been the only good thing in his life for a long time now" Andy explained, glancing back at the sleeping boy on the sofa. 

"W-wh- What happened to him?" Rye looked back at the boy, worry and concern running through him about the boy hed barely known 4 hours, it was more emotion hed felt to someone than he'd felt in decades. 

"You wouldn't understand, but if you get to know him better you will, and he'll likely explain it to you, but currently it's not our story to tell and he likely doesn't trust you enough and not killing him isn't going to be a way to earn that trust, he's the nicest guy going and he would never tell a soul, I promise you, he's less of an exposure risk than one of us"

Rylyn - Bite meWhere stories live. Discover now