9 & tagged

496 25 5

a/n: cause I was tagged and this is really really short cause I have writers block imma do the tagged thin here but I'm not Gunna tag people if you want to do it go for it I've tagged you .
1) yeah I do
3) 6ft I think or near about that which is really tall for a girl so whoop whoop
6)losing the ones I'm closest to
7) kick you out - Loren
8) crush
9) YouTube probs


Somehow life just returned to normal although Rye was less closed off towards Brook, opening up and laughing with the boys that bit more, which showed he was making a conscientious effort to be more interesting. The lads just chilled around the cabin for the next few days, starting out the day attempting to flip pancakes which only Jack and Brook could actually do much to Andy's frustration. Which made them all laugh, a lot, playing silly games like kiss marry kill with celebrities, truth or dare and having a bit of a laugh attempting to all get to know each other a bit better. It went well for them all really, simply having a laugh.
Brook was determined to get Rye to be more interesting and open up to him more which was kind of working yet rye was rye, a vampire book nerd with fewer friends than fingers. But brook was determined, and that meant it was going to happen. He was extremely stubborn and Rye was opening up well, although the twin story was his favourite he had informed Brook of multiple funny encounters he had had over his many years, most of which were funny at his own expense. Brook found that he still struggled with him being open without prompting and often needed help to assert what he enjoyed, not what the most basic and bland answer was.
Cause having grey as a favourite colour is unacceptable and Brook was determined to show him all the great things in life , and maybe just maybe he'd even learn to appreciate them a bit more himself .

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