Inorganic Danger! (1) - Plastic Nation Project

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A letter was discovered recently. 

Turned out it was a letter that was set to spread out all over the internet when 100 years time has passed. That means, this letter was made in... 2018? Whoa!

The first word on the letter was written in a red bold big fonts. 


Soon, every body in the entire world was gone crazy. Plastic was already banned in all nation all over the world for the last 50 years, even just mentioned the name could get anybody in troubles. But this letter, the first word, written in red bold text, was PLASTIC.


Dear my fellow human, greetings from the past. You don't need to know my name, but you need to know what i did, whether i succeed or failed. 100 years before the day you received this letter, in November 2018, I started a movement called Plastic Nation Project. 

Do plastic still exist in your time? Or does people finally banned it from existence? I don't know. But you need to know what i did. 

In my time, plastic was a major source of problem, all scientist already announced that human already destroy earth too much, and we would not last long if this continues. One of the biggest factor, was all the plastic waste that we made since long time ago. As you all already know about, plastic took ages to decomposed, but human continue to fill the earth with plastic. 

So i made a team. Consist of people who shared the same concern as me. We have no name, we have no base, we moved secretly. But we did it all for our earth. 

The first thing we did, was doing the research, on each country, about what kind of people and culture the had. Based on that, we made specific action. 

The first country, they believed in myth, so we made it like some mythical creature was raged by the plastic. Soon, their leader banned plastic to prevent more "disaster because the rage of nature spirits"

The second country was all about business. So we killed the owner of the biggest company that made the most plastic waste. We sent threatening letter to all company owner, so they would stop using disposable plastic in their products. 

At the third country we spread virus, then made rumors about how the virus was caused by plastic. They have no choice but to destroy all plastic. 

That wasn't all, we did different things in each country, but we stayed in the shadow. We chose the most effective way in each country to make biggest influence.

I didn't know if this would work, maybe i would be arrested long before my project even finished. But you all need to know about what i did. Did it works? If it's not... maybe, you could continue my project, in your own way.

I don't care how, just please... save our planet from plastics.  

Inorganic Danger! #planetorplasticWhere stories live. Discover now