I quickly grabbed my comb and parted my hair down the middle and slicked some back behind my ears.

"Alright I'm ready forreal." I mumbled while lowly chuckling to myself.

"Here." Brit handed me my phone and clutch. Now we was out.
Being that we was damn near two hours late, the party was jumpin' to the point where as soon as we walked though the door we all was handed a shot.

I politely declined while Justine threw her shot back. I shook my head. Never accept a drink you didn't see being made.

"I gotta watch her tonight." Brit groaned while motioning her head towards Justine who threw another shot back.

All I could do was pat her back in sympathy. I was here to have fun not babysit a person who should know their alcohol limit.

My phone vibrating indicating a call made me pause my conversation with Brit and find a more quiet place, which happened to be the backyard.

"Hellooo?" I dragged out while letting out a giggle.

"Hey where you at?" his deep voice sent me butterflies.

"You gotta find me." I teased. Knowing he was somewhere inside the party looking for me.

"Oh I see. Do I get a prize for finding you?" he played along. In the back I noticed the music from the party slowly started to fade out, letting me know he was probably close to finding my location.

"Maybe. Gotta find me first."

"What if I already found you?" and with that the line went dead and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

I jumped and quickly spun around on my heels coming nose to chest with Vic. He smiled down at me displaying his pearly whites. I couldn't help but return the smile while the butterflies in my stomach went wild.

"How long you been here?" he questioned while still holding onto me.

"Uh probably like 7 minutes. I just walked in the door when you called me."

He nodded in response while still staring at me. Everything in me screamed to look away but I just couldn't. He had me damn near mesmerized.

Finally he broke the staring contest and glanced back in the house then looked back to me. "You had a drink yet?"

I shook my head. "I was waiting on you." I sheepishly added.

He smirked and gently grabbed my hand, pulling me back inside in the party. I followed him all the way to the kitchen smiling at some of the people I knew. For it to be a house party it was a lot of people who showed up, all the rooms in the spacious house was full of people with speakers in damn near every room.

I swayed my hips to a twerk song that was on making me ready to go to the dance floor. Vic glanced back me knowing how my inner ratchet was about to come out.

Making it the kitchen Vic grabbed two red solo cups and poured our drinks. We playfully clinked cups and chugged our drink. Almost immediately I felt a slight buzz come.

"Yoooo!" Chris yelled over the music and pulled me in for a hug.

I laughed and hugged him back. Pulling away I could tell Chris was more than buzzed. His stance was a little off and his eyes were low and red. "This party live!" he pretty much shouted.

Glancing out into the party I couldn't help but agree. There was no wall huggers, everybody was out on the dance floor enjoying themselves, while some people sitting down was drinking or smoking. The dim atmosphere filled with strobe lights made the party much more lit.

Out of Love (Twenty88)Where stories live. Discover now