London Bridge

134 12 1

Saturday, February 6th 2015

2 months passed since the argument with Jhene. At the moment I was heated and upset but now I feel guilty. I blamed Jhene for something so dumb which made me feel sick. And the worse thing is; Jhene was right about Riya and the baby.

The baby is mines.

No I didn't take a test but the months added up since the last time me and Riya was together. So I owned up.

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to break the news to Jhene. Riya blunted the whole thing out after a big argument with Jhene. Ever since then she been ignoring the hell out of a nigga. I couldn't blame her, if I found out she had a baby with another nigga I would ignore her too.

So for the past couple of months communication between Jhene and I has been lost. Yeah I love the girl but it seemed like every time we got together we argued. That's not what I want my relationship to be.

Trey : open the door nigga.

Here go this goofy nigga. Sighing I lifted off the couch in the game room and made my way downstairs. As soon as I opened the front door Trey rushed into the house and into the backyard.

"Your people home?" He whispered as I followed him to the backyard.

I staled faced his weird ass. "Nah.."

"They never home." Trey pulled out a baggie filled with weed and 2 blunts already rolled up.

Taking a deep breathe I silently agreed with him. Because of my parents jobs they're forced to be away on business trips, and since I'm the only child I'm often left home alone. Sometimes I hate it sometimes I love it.

As I sat down Trey handed me an already rolled blunt along with a lighter.

"Since you and yo girl going through some issues I got you a stress reliever." Trey said as he started rolling another blunt.

"I see you was already about to smoke." I smirked, hinting at the 2 blunts already rolled.

Trey laughed. "I was doing my bro a favor."

Me and Trey smoked for the next hour or so. Once the weed hit my system I lost track of time and reality. Which I ain't mind, I needed this.

"So who pussy is better. Jhene or Riya?" Trey asked as we now was chilling in the game room.

"Jhene's" I replied automatically.

Trey laughed and raised his eyebrows. "I would think Riya's."

I twisted my face. "Riya got a community pussy. Ain't nothing good about that." Which was true.

Trey nodded his head in agreement.

I continued speaking. "Jhene's is special. I was the first nigga to give her the work so her pussy is mines. No matter what we go through, that's always going to be mines."

When Trey didn't respond I kept talking. "I remember when it took me almost a year before Jhene gave it up. At that point I knew she was wifey."

Trey smirked and held his phone up in my face. I frowned and swatted this annoying nigga away like a fly.

"I got that all on snapchat."

Just like that my high was blown. I jumped up with quickness and tried to snatch his phone. Yeah it's snapchat but Jhene is on his snap. I couldn't have her hearing that.

"Yo chill out." I huffed out after the struggle trying to get Trey's phone.

Trey smacked his lips. He held his screen up to me and deleted the video. I sighed in relief, if Jhene seen that video it would've been my ass forreal.

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