Déjà Vu

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Saturday, October 24th 2015

She turned and smiled wide. Tonight was the homecoming dance and she was snuggled up with her love. Right where she want to be.

"And for homecoming king....Sean Howard!" Jhene was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her boyfriend of two years being announced. She clapped and cheered because that's what girlfriends do. Of course if she didn't clap or accept his kiss to the cheek, people will question.

Jhene watched as he got up and walked to the stage, of course she didn't miss when he sent a smirk to a girl standing a few feet away. She didn't pay it no mind, little flirty gestures that Sean been giving to this girl was nothing new. This been going on for a few months.

Once again Jhene was knocked out her thoughts when she heard her name being called for homecoming queen. As she got up she felt two holes burning in her head and back. Sean like always, staring her down like a hawk. But the other pair of eyes was unknown.

After the traditional dance between the king and queen, Jhene and Sean walked back to their seats. Once again Jhene felt eyes burning into her head, she looked up and met hazel eyes staring at her. Derrick. She quickly looked down to hide the blush she felt creeping up.

Sean caught the whole scene.

Jhene must have figured out the same thing because she felt the loose grip he had on her tighten. She didn't look him in the eyes.

But like always..someone else caught the little scene. Riya. The girl Sean had a little something going on with. Even though Riya is fully aware of Sean's relationship with Jhene, she don't care. Something about Sean interested her and she loved it.

30 minutes after the couple took their places at the table, Jhene felt her phone vibrate in her clutch. Being as discreet as possible she slid her newest iPhone out and checked the message.

D: Meet me in the bathroom in building 2.

Jhene blushed. He had a effect on her that Sean lost a while ago. She placed her hand on her stomach and tapped Sean. When he gave her his attention, she motioned to her stomach. "I'll be back baby, I gotta run to the bathroom". Sean gave a slight nod and turned his attention back to the side of the gym.

Jhene rolled her eyes and quickly made her way to the exit.

Jhene: omw.

Since the gym was a separate building, she had to walk out the building and across the grassy area to building two.
As she got closer she seen a tall, dark figure standing by the doors inside the building. She smiled. There he is.

Derrick was her little secret. Every since the two hooked up four months ago they been talking. Sean had Riya and Jhene had Derrick. Sure sometimes love was found between Sean and Jhene but lately that love was no where to be found. And she was tired of looking for it.

"Ne baby." a deep voice whispered out.
Jhene blushed, she loved when he gave her little nicknames.

"Yeah..I'm here."


And just like that Jhene accepted the hug and kiss Derrick gave her. But of course the kiss went to much more. Jhene felt her back hit the stall, how did I end up in the bathroom? Those thoughts was knocked away when she felt a hand move under her dress and up her thighs.

Jhene gasped as she felt Derrick rough hand move to her paradise. But before his hand could move anymore closer a loud knock shook them.

"Jhene? You in there? The dance over with." Sean's voice called out.

Rolling her eyes Jhene fixed her dress and walked towards the door. She looked back and smirked as she seen Derrick make his way out the bathroom window. Good boy.

Smiling a fake smile Jhene opened the door and greeted her boyfriend. "Sorry I took so long, my cycle started." she lied. Sean looked at her suspiciously and snuck a look behind her. "Okay..well let's go". He replied, gently pulling Jhene out the doorway into the hallway.

The two walked to the car in silence. No laughter, no smiling and no love was between the couple. But to the outside world it would look like the two was tired. And that was good for Jhene.

Even the car ride was silent and awkward. Jhene sighed, she turned the radio down and turned towards Sean. Sean frowned and reached to turn the radio up but Jhene pushed his hand away.


Sean pulled the car over and cut the engine. "Man Jhene what you want?" He was aggravated.

"What happened to us?" Jhene mumbled, her eyes tearing up.

Sean's face softened up. He reached over and wiped the fallen tear. Then he started the car up. "You tell me."

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