Chapter 18: Teenagers

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Y/n's POV

I watch as Rebecca dances with a dirty blonde man at the ball we were hosting. I look over and see Charles surrounded by girls flirting as he blushed and tried to express his displeasure. I giggle and notice George taking my hand.

"May i have this dance, my dear?"

George and i had gotten old but i still loved him just as i did the day we got married.

"Of course." He walks me down the stairs and spins me around. In the middle of our dance he pulls me close and whispers in my ear.

"Y/n i love you and our children fill me with pride."

I smile and cup his face" And i love you and our children aswell. I hope one day they find someone they love very much and lead happy lives. I point to Rebecca with the young man.

"She will soon marry that man."

" mhm. With my blessing of course! And look at Charles. Quiet the ladies man. Just like his father"

I boop his nose" yes, and he gets his looks from his father." I laugh.

"Well our beautiful princess is just as beautiful as her mother!"

"I love watching them grow up." I sigh."They're going to college soon. I'm going to miss them alot."

"I'll be here. Don't worry."

I see Rebecca walk over with the man arm in arm.

"Father, Mother, this is Louis."

"Nice to meet you, Louis"

I smile" i take it your asking for Rebecca's hand in marrige?"

"Yes ma'am. I've known her for a long while and i love her very much, i swear i'll treat her with-"

I quiet him."shh. I approve."

Rebecca jumps on him and smiles. He hugs her and kisses her.

I smile as they dance around. I take George's arm. I look up at him.

"He truely loves her. She looks just like i did when i first got propsed to."

I see Charles standing next to me smiling at his sister and nods in aproval. My sweet Charles has grown tall and has developed muscles, any woman would be luckey to have him. He was always flocked with women. But nobody knew he was gay. I see his eyes wonder off to look at a hamdsome frenchman with frizzy hair tied back. I see he's with Lafayette, which means i can do my son a solid and get him a mans.

I take my sons arm and walk over to Lafayette and the young man he is with.


He smiles"Y/n! It's been so long. Who's this?"

"This is my son, Charles."

"Ah! This is my son,Adam."

I shook hands with him and glance ro see my son blushing. I take Lafayette's arm and pulls him away.

"Play nice boys!"

When we get out of ear shot i explain my plan to Lafayette.

He chuckles"Ah, i see. I approve. Adam seems interested too." I look back to see the men laughing as Adam talks and Charles expresses thigs with his arms.

I go back to George.

" I belive i make a good cupid."

He laughs

"Indeed you do."

King George x Reader (Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now