Chapter 7: Engaged

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in Charles' arms. He kissed my neck and i felt my cheeks going red. I rolled over on top of his bear chest. I felt safe, like i could stay like this forever. He lifted my chin up and kissed me and i kissed back, harder. His toung wanted entrence, which I gladly gave. Our morning turned into a make out session. It's been like we can't be without each other since we got engaged. I mean just last night we-
.... accually I'd rather not talk about last night. I still have hickies from the nights before.

After breakfast, Lee and i went to where we were stationed. It was a pity we had to go back to war. I was enjoying our time off.

My nurse friends all teased me about Lee, saying "I bet he's strong in bed." And "Your lucky you got him bfore i did." But the truth is that i love Lee, i still can't help myself from wanting to see George again. Ever scince i left i've thought about him and his handsome self. I'll see him in a months time, and i just can't wait.

It's three days before my wedding and i got a letter from George saying he's on his way and how much he's missed me. I have a week off from nursing so i'm at home waiting for Lee to come home tomarrow. I hear a knock on the door and assume it's Lee. I open it and see a military messanger. I take the letter and the messenger says "i'm so sorry." Before leaving. My stomach churns and feel like i might throw up.

I regret to inform you that your fiancee, General Charles Lee has been killed i action.

That's all i read before collapsing on the floor and crying. I yell and sob.

He's not coming back. We were going to get married. THIS ISN'T FAIR!

I cry myself to sleep in charles' favorite shirt. I assure myself that it'll be ok. George will be here soon, and he'll know what to do.

I hear a knock on my door. I trudge and open it. My eyes are puffy and i have dried tears on my face. I see George. I starts to cry again and he hugs me.

"Y/n....whats wrong? What happened?"

"He's dead George. Charles died in action..." George takes me inside and comferts me. I bury my head in his coat and hug him like my life depended on it. He held my head and waist and rested his head on mine.

"Im sorry y/n. I know you loved him. Im sorry. Im so so sorry."

George apologizing makes me cry more. I lay my head on his lap and stay there. I don't want to move. I just wanted to freeze time at that moment.

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