Chapter 6: Winter's Ball

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Y/n's POV

I get ready for the ball and hear a knock on the door of the room i rented. I open it to see Charles dressed formaly. I smiled and invited him in. He waited in the living room while i finished getting ready.

After i got ready we headed to the ball together . I met the guys there. I danced with Charles while Burr and Alex flirted and the other 3 got drunk and joked about balls. Charles held me close while we danced. I smiled and took in his scent.



"I want to tell you that i care a lot for you."

I go a deep red. Like a friend?? Like a lover? SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK!! Im blushing too hard! I look like a radish!

"I care a lot about you too, Charles."

I think i could see him blush. The rest of the time we danced i just took in his body heat and tried not to step on his feet.

I went and hung out with John, Herc, and Laff while Alex danced with some girl.

"Sooooooo.....y/n. Charles huh?" John questioned.

"Yeah, you guys like a thing??"

"No we're not, Herc."

Laff laughed "Yeah sure. You bad at hiding your feelings, mon ami!"

"Is it that obvious?" I sighed.

Herc put his arm around me, as did john. " doooooooooo ittttttttttt"

I blushed "DO WHAT?"

They laughed and pounted at something in front of me. I see charles coming over to us. I try to compose my self and not break down.

"Y/n, could i talk to you?"

"Of course!"

We walked off arm in arm. I looked behind me to see Laff give me a thumbs up and i glared at him jokingly. We went to a balcony and Charles blushed and seemed nervous

"Y/n, i've known you for about a few months, and in this time i've grown to have affection for you." He got down on one knee and i about passed out " will you make me the happiest man alive, and give me your hand in marrige?"

I takled him "I DOOOO~"

He hugged me and we became a crying mess. He put the ring on me and he kissed me. I mealted into the kiss and we went to his house. We layed in bed together. He held my waist and i fell asleep beside him.

George's POV

I swear i'm going crazy without y/n. It's been soooooo long scince i've seen her. I hope she remembers me and our promise. I see my maid walk in and put a letter on my desk. I see who it's addressed from and my heart does a flip. Y/N!!

I open it and see her beautiful hand writing!! I read it
"I would like to have you honor us with your presence and join me on my- THE FUCK? "

"Her wedding day? She leaves a year and she gets MARRIED?!?!"

I go to my room and sulk under my covers. I wanted her. I didn't try hard enough and she was taken. I sigh. At least she's happy.. i fall asleep with dread. I was going to go to the wedding, but only to see my love, one last time.

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