Chapter 3: Nice Castle

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You wake up on George's sholder. You imidiatly back away blushing.

"I'm sooooo sorry, your majesty!"

He smiles"It's perfectly fine,y/n."

You look out the window and see a big city and a beautiful castle. You smile dispite not even knowing what year it was. The carrage stops at a big stair case going up to the castle. George gets out first and then you. He offers out an arm. You hesitently take it and he walks you up to the magnificent door way. Servents ooen the door up and you see a huge throne room. A long red carpet led up to a golden throne coshined by red fabric. The floor was a very shiny marble and the walls had portaits of what you assumed to be the royal family.

"Why are you visiting Brittin,y/n?"

"Im visiting family..." you hate lying but you don't"t want to tell him what really happened. "Im leaving back for America soon."

"I see. Till then you can stay here if you would like." He looks at a servent and they head off down one of the many hallways. You nod "That would be nice." I don't know what else to do. Ugh....

He gives you a childish smile."Before you leave let me give you a tour of the city!" You could't say no to him so you agreed. "Thank you."

You and George walked around the town laughing and talking. You hear music and see people dancing in the plaza. George has a smirk on his face and grabs you hand. He spins you around then dips you. He looks you strait in the eyes. You giggle and he blushes. He lifts you up and have a nice time dancing in the plaza.

"Your majesty, what year is it exacty?"

"It's 1772. Why?"

"No reason. Just asking."

You walk together to the castle and you go to your room after saying good night. You decide that you would leave for America tomarrow before dozzing off.
George's POV

I walk to my room and lay on my bed. Y/n. What a beautiful name. I smile to myself blushing. She's the one! She made me feel so helpless....but in a good way. Like im walking on air. I fall asleep feeling giddy.

King George x Reader (Time Travel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن