Chapter 15: Starting a Family

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Y/n' POV

I got out of bed amd streached. It was a long night and i felt like laying around that day. I sat on the throne, feeling like a Queen. Oh wait. I am one! I giggle and see a guard approach me.

"My lady, a visitor is here for you."

"Send them in."

I sit up from slouching and see Alex walk in. He smiles and i run and hug him.

"Congratulations. You found a husband."

"Thank you,Alex. It's been too long!"

I notice George walk in and i introduce him to Alex.

"George, this is Alex. He's close friend of mine and i hoped her could go to our wedding."

"Of course, anyone who is close to y/n is close to me aswell." They shook hands and Alex pulled him away and whisped to him.

"Y/n loves you and if you don't show her the respect she deserves you can plan on me starting another damn revolution."

George nodded"y/n is my one and only. I love her so very much and want nothing more than to shower her in affection."

Alex seemed satisfied and turned back to me.

"Y/n, i wish i could stay longer, but i'm just passing through."

"Ok, just promise you'll attend my wedding?"

"Of couse!"

George and i waved good bye and George sat back on his throne. I had nowhere to sit so i plopped myself in his lap. We sit there and i read to George as we pass the time together. I suddenly feel sick and run to a bathroom. I puke in the toilet. George runs in and pats my back as i let it all out. I hug him and he carries me to a doctor.

"What's wrong with her?" George had a worried look on his face as the doctor examined me.

He looked up at George with a smile" It seems that y/n is pregnant!"

Im shocked and happy at the same time. I smile at George and he smiles at me. I hug him.

"We're going to be parents!" I feel a few tears roll down my face.

George and i go back up to our bedroom. George lays me on the bed.

"Y/n, you need to rest. I'll have the maids bring you something to eat."

I cup his face."George, i love you."

He smiles"i love you too." With that he left and i waited to be served dinner. I sigh, being content. I was to be married and had a child on the way. Everything is perfect. I held my small baby bump and closed my eyes, taking in the moment.

About an hour into my nap i hear a knock. It must be the maids.

"Come in."

I see George walk in with two plates of food. He sat next to me.

"Hello, love. Im eating dinner with you."

I smile"Thank you, darling."

He feeds me food and we talk about our wedding plans and how to decorate our babys room.

"What shall we name it if it's a girl?"

"How about Rebecca?" I suggest.

"And if it's a boy?"

"Henry. No. Charles."

He smiles. "I'll love them more than my kingdom it's self."

We fell asleep.

King George x Reader (Time Travel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz