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2 ch. left!! Ending at 25.

Kit's been really clingy to Forth lately, he's just really scared to be alone the past few weeks; he's still getting over what happned a few months ago and trying to go back to normal. He's not going back to school anymore, he's just gonna take online classes and keep working with his friend while still taking care of the kids.
Forth's taken time off work to be with Kit and keep him company while helping with the kids.
Kit was sleeping at the moment, he slipped into his little space and was hiding it from Forth but Forth found out and took Kit to their room so he could be little and not worry about anything or the kids. BeamMing came over and watched the kids while Forth was taking care of Kit.

"Baby, you feeling alright?" Forth asked playing with Kit's hair while they were laying in bed.

"No," Kit mumbled hugging Forth tighter. His anxiety was through the roof, he's never recovered from the accident.

"Just need cuddles for awhile," Kit mumbled and hugged Forth for a long time. Forth just smiled and hugged Kit taking care of him for the rest of the day, BeamMing came in a few times to check on Kit and to get Ren's stuff.

"Baby boy," Forth whispered checking to see if Kit was awake or not, he wasn't awake.

Forth was admiring Kit when he noticed his engagement ring was missing. Forth texted Kit's doctor and asked if Kit had it on when he was in the hospital. She said no, one of the guys took it off him before they were arrested.
Forth was fucking pissed. They stole Kit's engagement ring. Forth texted Beam and told him everything and asked him and Ming to go pick out a new ring for Kit.

- a few weeks later -

Kit was doing better, he was able to eat normally, he was ok alone; he didn't wanna be alone but if he had to he was fine with it. He's taking care of the kids again and slowly going back to his normal self. And actually didn't realise his ring was missing until Forth asked about it.

"Baby, come here when you're done with Ren please," Forth said standing in the door way before walking out to the living room. Kit nodded and put Ren down for a nap and walked down to the living room to see Forth with some flowers and a ring box.

"What's this for?" Kit asked smiling at how cheesy Forth is.

"I wanted to get you a new ring, and some flowers since I know they make you happier," Forth said and then opened the box and took the ring out putting the ring on Kit's finger. Kit smiled and hugged Forth and kissed him. It's the first time he's kissed Forth in over a year. Forth smiled and hugged Kit kissing him back and pulling away when Johee hit his leg.

"What's wrong?" Forth asked picking up the 6 year old who was really tired and crying.

"Bad dream," Johee mumbled and then ended up falling asleep while Forth was holding him.

Mia came out and also complained about a bad dream and hugged Kit, then Ren yelled from their room.

"Looks like we're all sleeping in the pillow fort tonight," Forth said and the 5 of them all fell asleep on ForthKit's bed.

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