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- 1 year later -

ForthKit's baby is now a year old and things have been absolutely perfect. His name is Ren, and he is the cutest baby ever. Johee loves having a little sibling and Mia likes having a bother baby brother.

Kit ended up dropping out of school and Forth graduated a few months ago and already has a job as co-CEO of a huge engineering company. Johee and Mia live with Forth and Kit now in their apartment, it's a huge apartment with 4 rooms, 2 for the kids, 1 for Kit's office, and 1 for ForthKit and the baby.
Kit works from home, he's helping Forth take care of the kids while also working as a media manager for a friend of his and his dance company. Just working on his Instagram and Twitter promotions and stuff. Doesn't get paid much but everything helps though even though Forth makes A LOT of money at his job.

Mia and Johee are at school, Ren is playing on the floor in the office while Kit is working on editing a few videos for Instagram.

"Babe! Im home," Forth yelled from downstaris and Ren looked around smiling and babbling hearing Forth's voice.

Ren is a bit slow, he hasn't started talking yet but he can walk, barely, so he mainly crawls around and mumbles very little, the doctors said its nothing to worry about, as long as he can walk and talk by 3 years old he'll be fine, if not then they have to work on it harder and get him checked out at the hosptial. But Kit and Forth don't think anything is wrong so they keep working with him and trying to teach Ren how to talk and walk.

"Up here Forth!" Kit yelled and kept editing. Ren crawled out of the room and sat at the top of the stairs next to the baby gate.

Forth came upstairs and smiled seeing Ren sitting next to the gate.

"Hi baby," Forth said and picked up the 1 year old before walking into the office to see Kit.

"Hi my other baby," Forth said and leaned down to kiss Kit's cheek.

"Hey babe," Kit said and hugged Forth while uploading the video before turing off his computer off and getting up and going with Forth to help put Ren down for a nap.

Ren was tired and fell asleep while drinking his bottle which made ForthKit happy, they both went downstairs and Kit laid on the couch just tired as fuck and trying to sleep before he has to go get Mia and Johee from school.

"He was good for you while I was gone?" Forth asked while taking his suit jacket off,

"Yeah, he was just playing with his toys in the office," Kit replied and yawned.

"Overworking?" Forth asked laying down next to, ok partially on top of, Kit.

"Yeah," Kit pushed Forth off of him and laid down on top of Forth's chest,

"You didn't have to push me off," Forth smiled anyway hugging Kit anyway.

Kit was already asleep while Forth was talking to him and Forth smiled playing with Kit's hair. A few hours later Forth got up and put Kit in their bed and let him sleep while he went to go pick up the kids from school.

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