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- (hopefully) intense drama time -

*Flash back to 3 months ago*

Kit's going back to school, Forth's parents are watching the kids. Everything seemed to be fine,

Until Kit saw them...

The 'gang' that beat him and raped him twice. Kit ran away hoping they didn't see him. But they did and they ran after the much smaller med student.

"Let go! Let go of me!" Kit yelled once he was caught. The guy that grabbed him just laughed and knocked him out by putting a cloth over his face.
Kit has been kidnapped...

*present day - 3 months later *

Kit is still being held by this gang, they've been using him as a toy, beating him, hurting him emotionally, and worst of all, they raped him again, but this time he got pregnant from it...

Forth has been searching for Kit everywhere, even the cops, but no luck, the only evidence of a kidnapping was Kit's phone left behind, Kit's blood, and the cloth that knocked him out. That's all the evidence they have currently, Forth is scared, very scared, he didn't tell the kids, he just said that Kit is working really hard at school and won't be home much.

Kit was really scared once one of the girls in the gang came up to him. He had never seen her before.

"Hi, I'm jay, I was told to tell you something but you're going to hate it, dont get mad at me though please im just the messenger i have NOTHING to do with all of this, anyway, you're pregnant... And it does belong to one of the guys here, I'm so sorry." Jay said and hugged Kit while trying to untie him from where he's being 'kept'. Then a gun shot, a scream, and Jay's body was being pulled out of the room.

"Did you tell her to do this?" A man asked, the same one that shot her.

"No, i didn't say anything to her," Kit said telling the truth 100%. The man smiled at how honest and scared Kit was.

"She told you some good news right?" He asked sitting infront of Kit who went pale finally processing what she told him. He fainted and the man infront of him was actually scared something medically was wrong with Kit and that he needs to be put in the hospital. But the boss won't let him, so he left and Kit is just laying there passed out and seemingly left for dead.

- 2 more months later -

Forth has been doing EVERYTHING possible to get Kit back, the cops are still working on it but there's just not enough evidence to do anything with. Untill today, the same man rushed Kit to the hospital seeing that he was bleeding a lot.

Kit was admitted, but under another name, he looked completely different he had bleach blonde hair, blue contacts, just overall Kit, didnt look like KIT.

The nurse informed them all Kit had a miscarriage and that he needs to stay here for a couple weeks. The nurse recognized Kit as the missing person the cops are looking for so she asked to only speak with Kit, saying it was standard procedure after hearing that you've had a miscarriage. The guys that came with Kit left the room and left Kit and the nurse alone.

"You have to help me, those guys kidnapped me," Kit rushed through saying it before the nurse cut in,

"I know, Kit, Forth and the cops come in everyday to see if you would turn up here somehow, i already called them and their on their way to get these criminals. How are you feeling though? Cause I wanna keep you here for awhile to make sure nothing is seriously wrong," she said and then let the guys back in, Kit just stayed silent and acted really sad about the baby thing even though he was really happy that he wouldn't be having some random man's baby.

"Aw, don't cry princess," the ring leader, boss, of the gang said wiping Kit's fake, but real looking tears.

Kit doesn't say anything until the same nurse came back in with some food for Kit since she noticed he's smaller than he should be.

"If you need anything call me," she said and set the food down on the tray next to Kit's bed.

Kit ate a little bit before feeling too sick to finish it, the gang just kinda laughed at that and forced Kit to eat. Then one went wide eyed and fell on the floor, gun shot to the back of the head.

"Cops!" The gang yelled and jumped out the window escaping leaving Kit, who threw up the food, behind.

The cops came into Kit's room and immediately rushed in doctors and nurses to help Kit who was starting to lose consciousness.

"Forth, we found him, hosptial on the south side, room 5853, he's losing consciousness-- nope, he's out cold," The undercover cop called Forth on his radio.

"Alright, I'll be there soon, we're chasing the gang right now, we think they're the ones who took Kit." Forth said chasing the bad guys with a few cops.

"They did take Kit they took off running when we got here," The cop replied.

Kit woke up, coughed a lot, then fell unconscious again. Things weren't looking good for Kit. By the time Forth got there Kit was in surgery for the miscarriage, for the broken bones, and the stab wounds all over his body.

Forth was really angry, he was mad someone would take Kit in the 1st place, but they really crossed a line keeping him for 6 months. Forth really just wanted to beat the fuck out of that gang, but the cops won't let him, he was allowed to beat up the one who got Kit pregnant though, so he felt a bit better knowing that guy won't have kids ever again. Forth's a fighter and he nearly killed that guy. So lesson here is dont fight with Forth.

The first thing Kit asked for when he woke up was Forth. He really wants Forth here with him.

Forth came into Kit's room and (gently) attacked Kit in hugs and kisses.
Kit just started crying and hugged Forth as tight as possible without hurting him.
He was just so happy to be back in Forth's arms, and away from those creeps. He really wanted to see his kids too, but no one besides staff, cops, and Forth can talk to Kit right now since they need all the evidence and statements etc. from Kit so they can charge the people they arrested.

AN: sorry it's kinda crappy but i think this adds a good amount of drama to the story and makes Forth be Kit's bodyguard for once since i kinda got off track with that part of the plot

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