Chapter 9

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As Marcus had said, I had a bruise on my left cheek. When we got home Victoria ended up sleeping in my bed because she was worried about me after the hit. Luckily we didn't have school now since it was Saturday. We had both slept in. The only reason I had woken up was because I really had to use the bathroom. So I carefully untangled myself from Victoria to go to the bathroom. I practically sprinted there before my bladder exploded. Once I finished, I cleaned myself up and ran my hand over my bruise on my cheek and winced when I pressed too hard. I sighed and walked back into my room. Victoria was still asleep on my bed and I softly chuckled. I decided to let her sleep and I wanted to go for a jog. I quietly changed into a workout outfit and strapped my phone to my arm. I set up my earbuds and made my way out of the room. Victoria's parents weren't up either so I just left the house. I made my way to the usual park and sat down on the bench I usually sat at. I stared at the ground and zoned out. All of a sudden I felt a weight on the other end. I snapped my head up and looked at the person who sat on the other end. It was a guy, looked about my age, wearing a black T-Shirt with blue jeans and a flipped black snapback. He was looking at the floor as well. He probably hadn't realized that he sat next to someone. When I looked at him closer I noticed he looked upset. He had his phone in his hand while hitting it with his other hand.

I took my earbuds out and set them behind my ears. I couldn't help but ask, "Are you okay?" He seemed to snap out of his thoughts and looked over at me. We locked eyes and I couldn't help but notice he had the most amazing eyes. They were a hazel color but mixed with a blue on the outer edges. Just by looking in them it seemed like I could see the universe. I quickly looked back at the floor after realizing I had been staring and he said, "Um yeah, I mean I've had better days." I leaned back looking out at the park, "Haven't we all." He chuckled and said, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your cheek. Are you okay?" Ooo how the tables have turned. While talking to him I had forgotten about my cheek. I quickly covered it with my hand and said, "Uh yeah I'm fine." I then felt a warm hand on mine and I quickly turned to look at him. I dropped my hand and he quickly snapped his away. "Sorry, I just didn't want you to cover your face. I realized I shouldn't of done that I'm sorry." I shook my head and said, "No it's fine, I just wasn't expecting it." I lightly smiled and then my phone started buzzing on my arm. I turned my arm and said, "Sorry I'll be right back." He smiled and nodded. Gosh even his smile is attractive. I shook out of my thoughts and walked away to answer the call.


"Hey where are you at? I woke up alone."

I chuckled at Victoria's groggy morning voice.

"Well morning to you too. And I went for a jog. I'll be home soon."

"Okay then be careful see you when you get back then."

"Okay byeee."

She laughed and said bye back. I hung up and walked back over to the guy. He smiled and said, "Boyfriend?" I shook my head and said "Nah best friend. But she practically acts like my boyfriend." We both started laughing and I said, "Well it's been great talking to you. But she called me to go back home because she woke up alone." He nodded and smiled. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but ended up thinking against it. Instead he said, "It was great talking to you. It definitely made my day way better." I smiled at him and then waved. I started jogging away and then I heard running come from behind me. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that it was the guy. I stopped jogging and turned towards him. He rubbed his hands and said, "Sorry I just couldn't let you leave like that. Hi my name is Tony." He extended his hand and I took it saying, "Wow old fashioned, I like it.  My name is Faith." We both smiled at each other and he got nervous again. "Could I maybe have your number?" I smiled at him and nodded. He smiled and pulled his phone out to give to me. I put my number in and he said, "It was nice meeting you Faith." I nodded once while smiling, "Same here, see you around Tony." He nodded and smiled and I started jogging away with a smile on my face. I sprinted back home because I wanted to be tired. By the time I got to the front door I was sweating and breathing heavily.

I made my way back to my room and saw Vic fell back asleep. I started to take off my phone and earbuds to get ready to take a shower. Then I heard a groan come from behind me on the bed. I chuckled and said, "Morning again sleepy head." I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her and crossed my arms. She looked at me and gave me a loopy smile. I chuckled and shook my head and said, "I am going to go take a shower now." She nodded and I grabbed my clean clothes and went out to the bathroom. I took my shower, blow dried my hair, and changed into my clothes. I walked back into my room and put my dirty clothes in my hamper, when then I felt a warm body hugging me from behind. I put my hands on hers and said, "Wow you're actually standing." She chuckled against my back and held me a little tighter. I turned towards my mirror and asked her, "Hungry?" I saw her nod against my back.  I squatted down and said, "Jump."  She jumped onto my back and wrapped her legs around my waist.  I held her up from under her thighs and I walked out of my room.  I walked down the hall and to the kitchen with ease.  I sat Victoria on the counter while I put toast into the toaster and started making eggs.  Victoria started swinging her legs and sang quietly.  She has always had an amazing voice but never believed she did herself.  I have told her multiple times to join choir but she never ends up doing it. 

She always denies and walks away.  I hummed along to the song she was singing and gave a piece of toast to her.  She started eating it while I set the eggs on a plate.  I gave the plate to her while I started eating mine.  When she finished she hopped off the counter and started washing her dish.  When I finished my egg she took my plate to wash it.  A couple minutes later Vic's parents came out of the hall.  They walked over and I apologized, "Sorry that I didn't make you guys food."  Mrs. Greyson waved it off, "It's alright thanks for cleaning up though."  I nodded and looked back over at Vic, "Hey lets go back to my room."  She nodded and we went back up to my room.  Once I was close enough to my bed I jumped on it and landed on my back.  Vic crawled onto the bed and laid her head on my shoulder.  As if on instinct I started playing with her hair.  She sighed and my phone went off, "Can you reach my phone?"  She rolled over and got off the bed to get my phone off of my dresser.  She handed it to me and went back to the same position.  I unlocked my phone and looked at my messages.  Delilah had texted me.

Del:  "Hey I was thinking about going to the movies today and I was wondering if you, Vic, and Luna wanted to come?"

I showed the message to Vic and she shrugged, "Sure I mean we have nothing else to do."  I nodded and texted Luna and she said she could go.  I went back to Delilah's message and replied.

Me:  "Yeah sure we'll meet you there."

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