The crowd hasn't stopped clapping the whole time I've been backstage.

They deserve the encore I'm about to give them.

I look back at Jisoo one more time because I can, and when I do, I catch her frantically talking to someone I don't recognize.

That's weird.

What's going on?

I don't have time to find out though because my presence is being requested elsewhere.

As I walk back out to entertain the crowd my focus is on what could possibly be making Jisoo so unnerved.

I'm completely clueless.

Instead of dwelling on a mystery I cannot solve, I face my audience.

"How is everybody doing tonight?" I ask as I take a seat on the stool that was just placed in front of the microphone that's sitting in the middle of the stage.

I get a rousing standing ovation and I haven't even played a single note yet.

Not to sound brass, but I have the entire arena eating out of the palm of my hand.

"I thought I'd slow things down a bit," I explain as I make some adjustments on my guitar. "Are you guys up for a few more songs?"

You bet your sweet ass they are!

I look back at my band to make sure they're ready and when I see they are, I give Johnny the signal to start.

I glance over at the side of the stage to see if Jisoo has resolved whatever problem just came up but she's not there.

Things are getting weirder.

She never misses my encore.


My gut is changing its mind again and my Spidey Sense is tingling.

I hear Johnny count off but when we go to play no sound comes out.


There must be a problem with the amps.

I keep my cool however as I casually look over at George.

He shrugs his shoulders at me before he tries to figure out why they suddenly stopped working.

Nothing like this has ever happened.


I mean really!

We've played almost a hundred shows and it figures that some piece of equipment would go down at our last one.


Where the hell is Jisoo?

George makes some kind of hand gesture to me and I think he's telling me to stall for time.

I take a deep breath as I turn back to the masses of people that are now growing impatient. "Sorry folks, it seems like we're experiencing a minor technical issue that should be fixed very quickly."

I hope.


What am I supposed to do?

Thankfully the microphones are still working so at least I can communicate with the crowd.

"Is anybody here from out of town?" I ask to alleviate the brewing tension in the air.


I get a huge roar of laughter in response to my question.

"Hello everyone."

I whip my head around when I hear Jisoo's amplified voice.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | jensooWhere stories live. Discover now