t w e n t y - o n e

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I boarded the private jet which was very spacious. The seats were all spaced and there was actual leg space. It was like any private jet that you've seen online. I'm guilty for never being on one.

A man took our bags to put them in the cargo beforehand so all I had was my backpack with me. Tom, Z, Jacob, Haz, Darnell, and Tony were all on the same jet as the one I was on which was good. At least I had 6 people to talk to if I got bored.

I was planning on just listening to music throughout most of the flight but I guess that might not happen because of these five.

"Surprised?" Tony must've seen my face.

I fixed it up and lowered my eyebrows. "Hm? Yep. I've never been on a private jet..." I said, embarrassed.

"You'll get used to them soon." He assured me and pat my back.

I looked around a little more until responding. "I don't think I will. I'm still not used to living in the house that I live in and it's been two years."

"Maybe not. I'll admit, I'm not even used to private jets." He contradicted his previous sentence.

Everyone sat down wherever they wanted, but they were all close together, so I just followed and did the same. Z, Jacob, and Tom were all beside me while Darnell, Haz and Tony sat opposite from us..

"I'm excited! Here goes the takeoff." I exclaimed as we started to takeoff.

"OFFSET!" Jacob joked, obviously meaning the rappers, Offset and Takeoff.

"QUAVO!" screamed Tom.

I chuckled at the joke and Z, Darnell, and Harrison understood the reference. "I feel left out." Tony crossed his arms.

"Then you definitely need to catch up on the trends." Darnell suggested.

"Not fair! I think I have a pretty good knowledge about the trends nowadays."

We all laughed at Tony's ego. "Sure." I scoffed.

"I do!" He rolled his eyes.

I was so energetic at this point. You could say I was on a natural high. "Nobody asked you if you take anyone as your lawfully wedded wife or husband, Tony."

I was the only one who didn't notice Tom turning red. It was as if I was blind to it but everyone else could see it. "Shut up, Alison. I don't have great looks like Ms. Ego over here." Tony pointed at me.

"Why thank you. I guess I'm a golden trash bag and not a plain trash bag. I'm honoured. Still trash but golden trash." I flipped my hair.

"Intellectual." Z commented.

"Yes." I replied to her comment for no reason and laughed at myself.

Before even continuing in the conversation, I zoned out and looked out the window. I forgot how pretty London was from a bird's eye view. London looks so gloomy and it's the same old but not from up here. I don't usually take window seats so that's a reason why it baffled me so much. I'll have to admit, I have a tiny fear of heights.

"..." Nobody had a thing to say.

I put my earbuds into my ears and started playing some music. I decided to play the album Trilogy by The Weeknd, one of my favourite artists.

You don't know what's in store
But you know what you're here for
Close your eyes, lay yourself beside me
Hold tight for this ride
We don't need no protection
Come alone, we don't need attention

hope  |  t.h.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang