f i v e

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I could feel Harrison focusing his eyes on just me. It was getting creepy now so I adjusted my glasses to try and snap him back into reality.

His eyes blinked really fast. One more blink and he finally moved his eyes off of me.

Thank god that's over. I couldn't breathe at all for, what felt like, 1000 years. It felt like my bones were wooden when he was staring at me, as if I couldn't move or as if it felt abnormal to move.

Words finally filled the room and made it less awkward. "W-we should go to the actual set, y-you know? Check out if everything's good there. Watch them... act." I stuttered and stood up.

He agreed to it and stood up with me, following my actions.

We left the room and I was literally lost. I turned to face him and he was a little shocked or something. "So... You do know where the actual set is, right? I obviously don't."

He gestured for me to follow him and I did so. He hasn't said a thing after I caught him just looking at me. Just gestures and nods.

We took a few turns and finally made it to the actual set where the filming would take place in this studio.

Cameras and lights filled the room, blending in with the black floor. I walked towards the middle of the room and Haz just disappeared. He probably went to wherever Tom is. The props were all in position and the set was all... set.

I watched the Marisa Tomei get her final touches for her makeup. The man brushed her face with some powder. She opened her eyes from the powder being applied and focused her eyes from having it closed.

As soon as she saw me, she started to walk over. Oh no. I hope she's not coming up to me but I also do hope she is coming towards me. I'm probably going to make a huge fool out of myself, oh god.

I was right. She was standing right in front of me and had a thinking look on her face. "Alison, right?"

I smiled, knowing that she knew my name. "That's me."

I wanna slap myself. Why did I say 'That's me'? I'm so weird and I'm making a fool out of myself in front of her, just like I thought to myself before she came.

She smiled back at me and I couldn't help but smile wider. I could feel my smile going ear to ear now. It felt so weird. Nobody told me she was here because I love Marisa! Oh wait... Nobody here knows me that much. I'm just the makeup artist.

Marisa was about to leave but announced it to me before she could. "Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?" She tried not to be rude and offered me some.

"No, thank you." I give her a light smile.

She walked towards the coffee machines and brewed herself a cup. Behind her was another lady with a mug of her own, waiting for Marisa to finish. I was standing there, creepily, as she said a few words to the other lady. The other lady handed her red mug to Marisa while she brewed her a cup too.

A smile went across the other woman's face after Marisa handed her the cup, full of a hot beverage. She probably said 'thank you' to Marisa for making her a drink because Marisa's lips started moving.

She was now walking away from the drinks section but I turned around to avoid the questions of why I was staring right at her. I don't want to make a bigger fool out of myself. Her first impression of me was most likely 'she's such an awkward imbecile.'

Since I was already facing the snack table, I ended up forcing myself to walk towards it and grab a few grapes, trying to blend in.

I popped one in my mouth and almost choked as someone patted my shoulder. I jumped and turned my head to whoever almost made me choke but it was just Tom. I was about to snap but I kept it inside now.

"Hungry already?" He picked up some grapes for himself.

I ate another one. "Not really. Long story, okay?" It felt so weird telling him the truth. I told him exactly what I was thinking and I don't usually do this. I think he just caught me off guard.

He lowered his eyebrows in confusion, questioning why it'd be a long story. "Okay then." He chuckled, trying to play it off cool.

He put his hand out for more grapes but struggled so I just gave him the grapes that I had in my hands. He grinned at me and I grinned back. The silent "thank you" and "you're welcome."

His head turned to the right, laying his eyes on something. "Did I tell you that Marisa Tomei's here?"

I looked in the same direction as him, wondering if he was looking at Marisa or just looking at a random object.

"We already met. A few minutes ago, actually." Both of our eyes were on the gorgeous Marisa Tomei.

He nodded and grabbed some chips for himself. I heard the crunch of the chips being crushed in his mouth.

"Nice uh outfit I guess?" His shirt was a NASA shirt but it looked nice on him. The whole outfit looked nice. His hair was all done and poofy. I wanted to run my hands through it but not in that way. It just looks soft, okay!

He glanced at his outfit as I did too. "This? Th-thanks?" He was unsure if I was joking or not.

I wanted to kick myself so hard in that very moment. 'Nice outfit.' This is why I have only 1 friend and a sibling who I talk to usually. Beginnings are so hard for me, especially while I'm 21.

"Tom!" Someone yelled from the other side of the room but very loudly.

He looks at the man with his hand up in the air. "I'd better get going. Talk later?"

"Sure." And with that, he left.

It seems like he's just so busy. Of course it's because he's the star of this movie but it was as if he was being dragged everywhere every few minutes.

I was standing at the snack table all alone, looking at all the snacks neatly placed in bowls on this table, which had a red and blue tablecloth. What nerds. Red and blue equals Spiderman. Guess what movie we're filming? Spiderman. Wow, an intellectual did this. Sarcasm is 100% added into all of that.

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