f l a s h b a c k III

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Very safe to read unless you don't like reading about mild abuse. It's mostly nothing though. I'll tell you when to stop reading if you're sensitive to stuff. It's in bold. You're safe 😊

"Come here Isabel." I called my tiny, cream coloured pug to her food bowl.

She excitedly went up to the food bowl and started eating fast. "Good girl." I pet her as she ate her dinner.

She was an old dog but she was still excitable. Especially for her food.

I sighed and sat down beside her. "How was your day? Mine was the usual." I sighed.

Considering that Isabel's a dog, she actually understands what I say to her and I don't really care if she knows because who is she going to tell?

I continued to talk to her. "You live such an amazing life. The other dogs get along with you. In my life, the other dogs don't get along with me because I'm the different dog."

Unlike other people, I talk to her with my normal voice. Dog voices are just so much work and hurt my throat afterwards. I'm not saying it's a bad thing though.

She finished her food and went to the next bowl where her water was. She licked it vigorously, obviously being thirsty after all the dry food.

She finished the water quick and started licking me. I start laughing because it tickles my face. "I love you too." Her puppy dog eyes glistened.

My sister called me from upstairs. "Alison!"


"Are you busy right now?"

"Not really, why?"

"Come here. I need your help."

"Okay, I'll be there in a second!"

I stood up and Isabel knew the drill. She followed me up the stairs on her own and we made it to Seraphina's room which was right near the staircase.

Isabel got excited and started licking Sera who was standing up but looking exhausted.

"Help me paint this side of the wall. I'm so tired." She was repainting her room into a beautiful aqua.

The furniture was all moved away from the wall she needed help with. I'm assuming the rest are all dry.

Isabel couldn't stay in the room because what if paint gets on her? Then what? And if she licks the paint off the walls, we're all screwed. "Isabel, let's go to bed!"

She knew exactly what to do and went to my room where her bed was. She curled up on it and yawned. I tickled her chin gently and she was about to fall asleep now.

"Goodnight, baby." I rubbed her ears softly, not wanting to alert her too much.

She instantly starts snoring and you could hear it all the way from the front door probably. I left the room, knowing she wouldn't follow me, and went into Sera's room. She was laying down on her bed like a star, knackered. She has so much work to do and she really passed down the offer of hiring painters to do the job for her.

I sighed and picked up the gloves on the floor. I slid them onto my hands and adjusted to the uncomfortable feeling of the latex on my hands. I grabbed the paint roller which was also on the floor and rolled it into the paint.

The sponge of the roller was soaked in a light aqua and I started painting upwards and downwards on the wall, covering the white with colour.

"So... How was school?"

The worst three words ever. "G-good. The same as always." I reply.

Skip if you're sensitive to stuff!! There'll be another bold text to tell you when you can read again.

She has no idea about what the kids do to me at school. I don't want to tell her. She used to go to my high school but she just graduated. After she graduated was when everything became a hell hole.

She used to be the popular kid so nobody would do anything to both of us. I wasn't the one who defended myself. She was. Though she was a popular kid, she wasn't a bitchy one. She's so smart and beautiful but would never be sassy and rude to anyone who doesn't deserve it.

It's my fourth month at this school without her and people already gave me bruises. I covered them up with concealer but most of them were on my ribs. It wasn't an everyday thing, to be beaten up, but it was once in a while. Most of the bullying was verbal but it still hurts a lot.

I wish I could switch high schools. I'm probably going to make up an excuse to my parents and say "It's too stressful." They want me to graduate from the same high school as my sister but I don't think I can do it.


10th grade is like a walk in the park but not when the people in the school are terrible. It's more like walking through a graveyard at 8pm.

"That's good to hear." I continue painting the wall but loosen up, knowing that she thinks I was telling the truth.

"Is Ms. Anderson still a pain in the ass?" She sits up from her star position and looks over at the wall that was being painted.

"Oh her. She still is but I know she means well."

Sera smiles at you, not caring that you couldn't even see the tiny smile drawn on her face. "Yeah, I really do thank her though. She helped a lot. I guess you could say she's a good pain in the ass."

I turn my head to Sera, my eyes widened, thinking about something unrelated to anything. "What?!" I finally said.

She rolls her and eyes and lets out a small chuckle. "Not like that, dirty minded kid."

I laugh for a little bit. "If you knew what was on my mind, clearly you're as dirty as I am."

I could tell by the look on her face that she was so close to hitting me with a pillow but she restrained herself, knowing that I was at least helping her paint her walls. The least she could do was to stay out of it for now.

ⓐⓤⓗⓣⓞⓡ'ⓢ ⓝⓞⓣⓔ

Yeet idk if it's been 3 days since I last posted a chapter but I stupidly updated it a little today so R.I.P. if I didn't stick to the 3 day thing that I said 😭😭 Also school's really stressful so maybe it might not be every 3 days or maybe it will. Who knows. Ok bye

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