t w e n t y - f i v e

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"ALISON! HURRY UP! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR YOUR MANS." Zendaya yelled from the other side of the door as I put on my lipstick.

"Yeah, yeah! COMING MOM." I teased her as if this was my first ever date and Z was my eager mom... Oh wait... This is my first date ever and Z probably is playing the mom figure here. My actual mom would probably freak out if I told her I was going on this date so I think she'd get along with Daya really well in this situation.

I came out with my outfit and makeup on and Z's mouth almost dropped through the core of the Earth. "Daaaaammnnn I'm gonna take a picture of you." She awed at my black dress.

I smoothed the dress down.. "Does it really look that good on me?"

She took her phone out and I heard the clicks of her camera taking pictures. "YES! YOU DO LOOK THAT GOOD!"

I took a second glance at myself in the full body mirror in the hotel room and twirled around. "This dress does like nice..."

Z put her hands on her heart. "My baby's growing up." She pretended to wipe away a tear from her eye.

"Shut up. He's coming any minute now so don't do this bullshit, okay?"

She nodded in agreement but kept looking at my outfit. "He's gonna love it 'cause OOF." She said for the millionth time.

"I get it, Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman! Plus black has always been my favourite to start." I admitted.

She crossed her arms as if she was upset but it slowly faded away as Harrison knocked on our hotel room door. I grabbed my purse which had my phone in it and answered the door.

"Hey." My eyes moved up and down on him, checking if I wore anything too formal or too under formal compared to him.

"W-woah. You look... You look beautiful." His crystal blue eyes scanned me up and down.

I felt my cheeks blush. "Not so bad yourself, Osterfield. So where to?"

"Still not telling you." I stepped outside of our hotel room.

"BRING HER BACK BEFORE 12! DON'T DO ANYTHING CRAZY!" Z yelled before the door closed.

I rolled my eyes. "She's been acting like a mom all day." I told him as we made our way to the elevators.

He pressed the button to call an elevator to take us down. "The guys have been like that too, except dads and brothers all at the same time."

"That must have caused a lot of havoc."

He laughed at my joke and I let out a small giggle too.

We walked into the elevator together and I hadn't noticed that our hands were intertwined until an older lady came into the elevator.

"You two cuties! I remember going on dates with my husband. Young love." She recalled her old memories and smiled at the thought of them.

I smiled back at her with nothing else to say. All 3 of us exited to the lobby but she went the opposite direction from us. Harrison took me to the car without letting go of my hand.

"Milady." He opened the back door for me to get in and I did.

He switched to the opposite side of the car and got into the back beside me. Tom was sitting at the driver's seat and nobody was in shotgun.

"Did you seriously get Tom to be our driver?" I laughed as I realized who was sat in the front.

Tom's eyes moved to the mirror and I saw his eyes move to me. I quickly glanced away from him. "Drive us away, sir. Don't listen to milady over here." Haz jokes with his best friend.

hope  |  t.h.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin