Greetings! Here's an Update...

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Hello, everyone. Since multiple messages have been sent to me asking when I am next updating, I've decided to give my answer to all of you at once.

First off: Son of Unicron is NOT discontinued.

These past two—three?—years have been quite a doozie for me. I won't bore you with details beyond that I had some mental issues to sort out. (I wish good luck to current or soon-to-be high schoolers.)

As for this fanfic, as I said, I did not forget about it. In fact, the next chapter is like 70-ish percent complete (and it's a long one). Currently, my main issue is finding the motivation to finish writing it. But between the virus and the entire west coast of the US being on fire (I live in Oregon), it seems I have nothing but time to find that motivation. I can't even go outside, the smoke quality is so bad.

Truthfully, I love this story and think about it a lot. And I also think about all of you, especially the people who've waited years for me to update. You guys are really dedicated and I am honored to have such individuals interested in what I write.

All of you are so amazing and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So, with all of this said, please know that I aim to finish this story. I don't know when the next chapter will be released, only that my personal goal is to publish it before the end of the year.

Thank you for your patience, I really don't deserve it.

I wish you all healthy, happy, and safe days ahead of you. Until next time...

Edit: By the way, there's currently something weird going on with my account, so I'm not able to respond to private messages.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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