- Chapter 3 -

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Rafael woke up with an aching pain in his side. He tried to reach for his glasses on his bedside table, however, he couldn't feel them. Wait, was his bedside table always made out of metal? Rafael shot upright from his sleeping position, his hands feeling the cold surface beneath him. Nevermind the bedside table, since when was his bed made out of metal?

The memories from yesterday hit him like a train, which caused him to frantically reach around for his glasses only to find empty space.

"Finally, you're awake." He heard a — regrettably — familiar voice call from his left. He turned towards the red, blurry blob that was Knockout. "After I scanned you a second time, I found that your eyes seem to be weaker than the average human. Is that why you wear glasses?" Raf nodded at the blurry figure. "But I thought that smart humans wear glasses because it showed their intelligence."

"N-not necessarily. That's just a stereotype that movies created. Just because you wear glasses doesn't mean that you're really smart, or vice-versa." He quickly responded while fumbling his hands nervously.

"And you?"

"I'm extremely near-sighted, s-so without my glasses, anything that's more than a few feet away from me is blurry," Raf informed the medic.

"Well, that's a problem." Knockout muttered. He then moved over to the monitors. "In the meantime, I need to inform Megatron that you're finally awake."

Rafael was silent for a moment. "H-how long was I asleep for?" The boy heard the tapping of metal digits on a monitor keyboard.

"Eh... Six hours," He moved over to a vehicon in stasis on a different berth. Rafael shifted uncomfortably.

"Um..." He began quietly. "C-can I have my glasses back... please?"

Knockout stopped what he was doing and realized he still hadn't given the child his only ability to see. "Oh, right." Knockout awkwardly walked back over to the human and placed the glasses in front of him. "Why can't your species just use micro technology to fix your eyes. I mean, your technology may be primitive, but I think even you squishies can come up with something like that."

Rafael found the glasses and used his pajama sleeve to quickly wipe the lenses, before placing them over his eyes. He didn't respond to the medic, not because he didn't know the answer, he just didn't think that arguing with a Decepticon was the best option in his position. Rafael watched as Knockout began searching around the room, looking for something.

"U-um... what are you doing?" He hesitantly asked, not sure of where the boundaries of how many questions he could ask were.

"If you must know, I'm looking for a container to put you in. I can't handle having a filthy organic contaminating my medical berths any longer." The medic shivered in disgust. He moved around some objects on some shelves until... "Aha!" He pulled out a glass cylinder with a lid at the top. Knowing that a carbon-based lifeform requires oxygen, he drilled multiple small holes into the metal lid. He then brought the container over to the human and scooped him up inside before sealing the lid and putting him on a work table.

Rafael just watched as Knockout walked back over to his patients before the boy slumped against the glass walls of his prison. He brought his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knees.

The boy recalled every detail that led to his current predicament and he desperately wanted to cry.

No tears found their way down his face.

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