Chapter 8

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I'm finally finished! Wooh, this is a long chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it.

Important notes though... 1.) I will be rewriting a few previous chapters, nothing major, just grammar and continuity errors. 2.) There's a lot of different formats when it comes to the writing, so I made a legend of a sort to help you out a bit. I'll have it posted just for this chapter, so if you guys get confused just come back to Chapter 8, unless you want me to post it every chapter.

Speech Legend

Regular → "Blah blah blah."
Thoughts → 'Blah blah blah.'
Communications Link → .:: Blah blah blah. ::.
Voice Clip → "-... Blah blah blah...-"
Bumblebee → "Blah blah blah."
Dark Energon Link → ~ Blah blah blah. ~


Knockout had quickly rushed to the control room by his master's orders a few minutes ago and hadn't yet returned. Raf was left on the medical berth alone in the room, while alarms could be heard echoing in the halls. It was quite obvious that the Decepticons had suffered major damage to the ship, but which systems were uncertain. The boy looked over at the computer terminal which sat next to the berth, before looking back at the door. There was no telling when Knockout would walk back out through that door, so the boy knew he couldn't waste any more time.

Rafael quickly made his way over to the edge of the berth closet to the control panel and studied the distance. It was quite wide, but with enough speed, he figured that he could make the jump if he ran... and latched on properly... and was able to hold his body weight... and didn't slip off and fall to his death. Alright, it wasn't exactly the best option, but he couldn't really see a faster and safer way. The berth itself was latched to the ground by a single support, one which was directly in the center of the slab of metal and thus wasn't in reach for Rafael to climb down.

So the boy walked away from the edge and looked dead on at his target. He placed one foot behind him and the other in front. His body was crouched down and his arms poised in a ready position. He took a breath as doubt began to creep into his determination, but he ignored it. With a start, he sprinted across the berth as fast as he could before hitting the edge and leaping off the sides.

The side of the control panel came at him quickly and his hands desperately moved to grip onto something, anything. He found a good hold almost immediately and stopped gravity from dragging him down with a jerk. He grunted at the impact of his small body hitting the alien metal, slightly winded, but kept his grip regardless. Taking a moments rest, he once again put on a face of determination as he began climbing up the terminal's side. Crawling all over vehicons and repairing them was really paying off, as Raf had no doubt that he would've had a harder time completing such a rigorous action without prior experience.

When he reached the top, he pulled his body over the edge and rolled onto his back, panting at the exercise. Once he had regained some air, he sat up and pushed his glasses back onto his face. He stood and looked up at the large keys that laid out before him. Rafael thought back to all the times he witnessed cybertronians working on their terminals, his memory able to recall the exact keys that Soundwave hit not that long ago. Thus, he moved forward and looked at the keys he now stood on. A human's weight alone was not enough to press down on them but add gravity...

Rafael jumped up and landed forcefully on the key he had stood on before making his way over to the next and jumping on it. Repeating this process, he eventually was able to pull up the status of the Nemesis and a happy smile found it's way onto his face as he lit up like lights on Christmas.

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