- Chapter 2 -

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Rafael was terrified. Absolutely terrified. As soon as the portal disappeared, so did his chance of getting back home anytime soon. He stared at where it was, not even registering the words being said around him. When he finally did, he looked up at the giant mechs but didn't dare make eye contact with Megatron himself.

"Pardon my inquiry, my Liege, but why have you brought an organic aboard the ship?" Dreadwing asked as he looked down at the boy, whose eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"A question I too wish to find the answers for," Megatron began to walk down the corridors, Dreadwing and Soundwave following close behind. "Soundwave, alert Knockout to meet us in the medical bay." He ordered his Third in Command yet almost didn't hear the young human 's words. "Speak up when you talk to me, human."

"I..." he sniffed, "... I d-don't k-know where t-the Autobots' bay-base is..." he finished. Megatron would have grinned at the fear evident in his voice, however, making a small, organic child terrified is not a very difficult feat.

"You are a terrible liar, human. Regardless, I will seize that information when I require it." He responded bluntly. "However, for now, there is something else about you which requires my immediate attention."

Rafael looked at the silver mech confused but didn't dare to say anything else. He only continued his sniffling while the First, Second, and Third in Command of the Decepticon army continued their way to the medical wing. When they arrived, the doors slid open to reveal a bright red yet small Decepticon standing inside.

"What will be the occasion today, milord?" He asked nonchalantly. The Decepticon warlord looked down at the human he held in his servos.

"I want you to perform an energon reading on this human." The other mechs in the room looked at him confused.

"Uh... I mean no disrespect, Lord Megatron, but..." Knockout paused. "Erm... it's a human."

"I am fully aware of that, Knockout. However, I sense the presence of dark energon within it and I intend to know why."

"Of course, Lord Megatron." Knockout responded before being handed the human. He plopped Rafael down on the large medical berth, or at least large to a human. For a cybertronian, it was rather small.

Rafael didn't dare run away with so many dangerous mechs in the room. So he could only gulp down his fear and watch Knockout as he activated the scanner. Rafael then turned his head to watch as a ray of light, similar to Ratch's own scanner, started heading towards him. He wanted to run but he knew he would anger Megatron by doing that. A shiver went down his spine as the beam harmlessly passed over him.

"What?" Knockout said, staring at the monitor in front of him. "This can't be right..." he mumbled.

"What is it, doctor?" Megatron asked.

"Well, Lord Megatron, it seems that you were correct." Rafael noticed that Dreadwing's shocked expression matched his own while Megatron's gaze swiftly glanced at the boy. Soundwave... well... Rafael couldn't really tell what the creepy con's reaction was. "While energon, specifically dark energon, should be fatal to humans, it seems that his blood and the dark energon are coexisting in his body without any difficulties."

They all looked down at Rafael, who was no longer crying but seemed to be on the brink of panic. 

"How is this possible?" Dreadwing asked.

Knockout subtly shrugged. "My guess is as good as yours. There's no sign of dark energon being injected into his system nor is there evidence of him consuming it. Plus I doubt that the Autobots would let humans anywhere near the substance."

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