Chapter 6

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About a week or so had passed and in that time Megatron tested the mental link again and again. Short and long distances, brief and extended conversations, all things to search for limits. The mech one time traveled down to the Earth's surface as one of the times to test the distance, however, instead of making their connection weaker, it seemed to increase substantially. Likewise, if Rafael was close to the Earth and Megatron was up in space, or if they were both close to Earth but on opposite sides of the planet. Despite the warlord and Knockout not actually sharing their discoveries with the human, Rafael was sure that they came to the same conclusions as the boy did.

The connection was stronger the closer they were to Earth, or rather, the closer they were to Unicron.

It wasn't that much of a surprise really, but Rafael never truly thought about it until then. If he and Megatron were connected to each other through Unicron's blood, then that would mean that they could probably communicate with the Chaos Bringer himself. Rafael was thankful now more than ever that the deity was gone, or at least, dormant. The boy shuddered to think about what kind of things could be whispered in his head. It was weird enough to hear Megatron every now and then but to hear two beings in his mind would have just been too much, especially since one of those mechs was practically the cybertronian equivalent of the Devil.

And even though a week had passed, Raf still had no idea how to block Megatron out, much to the boy's disappointment, but he was getting better at learning how to respond. When he first did it, he was still in shock and confusion about how on Earth Megatron actually got into his mind, so it was more accidental than anything. The first few times the warlord tested the range of their 'telepathy'-Rafael was still unsure of the proper term for it-Megatron had begun to be frustrated with the boy for not communicating back. So he tried really hard to not further anger the warlord.

Right now, Raf could only manage to keep his focus for a few short words, but he was getting better. Granted, he did have a 40-foot-tall, sharp-toothed, and terrifying Deception warlord who was the one pressuring him... so there was that.

Today, however, there would be no such testing. The boy suspected that it was some sort of Decepticon business, and even if he was thankful to not have to be in Megatron's presence, Rafael was still very bored. He wasn't able to be near any technology, for the obvious reasons that he could somehow use it to escape, and he was currently sitting on the shelf that had become his home.

'It doesn't feel like home though.' He thought to himself as he pulled his knees closer. He wondered how both of his families were doing. He had no doubt that his biological family was kept from the truth and the Autobots were most likely trying everything they could to find him, especially a certain yellow bot.

Raf sighed, his eyes drooping slightly. 'I miss Bee...'

Raf rubbed the soreness from his eyes and took another look around the med-bay.

Knockout was currently working on some vehicons who had a multitude of injuries from a cave-in at one of the mines. Most of them just had dents or scratches, however, there seemed to be a few that had gotten a piece of rock lodged in their systems. Rafael could tell that, despite his tools, Knockout was having difficulties with these ones.

"Hmm, well I can either risk my own paint getting scratched and have rocks lodged in my own circuits... or I could just scrap you all together. Not sure how the Big M would appreciate me killing off some of you, but I doubt he'll care enough to mention it." He grinned to himself as he looked at the vehicons, whose frames visibly shuddered. The cherry-red medic turned to his tools over near Rafael and went to pick up an object that the boy could not identify. However, when Knockout held it up, he paused when his optics locked onto Raf's.

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