
"Dean, we killed Azazel, remember? Nothing is going to happen."

"You don't know that." Dean insisted. "Yeah, Azazel's gone, but that's not stopping some messed up demon from doing the same thing he did! Anyone could break in and-"

"Dean, anyone could break in at ANY time. You can't protect Ellie from everything."

"I can try."

"Well at least talk to Cas! He's worried, Dean, and he has no idea what's going on or how to help you."

"He wouldn't understand, Sammy. He wasn't there for that whole part of our lives."

"But if you explain it to him, he will understand. He loves you, Dean. He can tell when something's wrong."

 Dean hesitated. How could he make Sam understand? This wasn't just about Azazel. When Sam was six months old, and the yellow eyed demon had broken in, he had destroyed their entire family. Sam became cursed, their mom died, and their dad.....

Well, the last thing Dean wanted was to be anything like John Winchester.

But now, Dean had his own family to worry about. He couldn't help but have the fear, the positively terrifying fear that someone would break in and hurt Ellie, and that Cas would somehow end up burning on the ceiling.

It was an idea that Dean couldn't shake off. But if he was prepared, then no one would get inside. After everything the Winchesters had been through, Dean refused to let anything happen to the small family he had built. He refused to watch the love of his life go up in flames.

And in order to prevent that, he had to watch Ellie like a hawk. At least until her six month birthday had passed. Then, Dean was confident, she would be okay, and all he had to worry about were average monsters attacking them.

"....Maybe," Dean said vaguely. Sam sighed.

"Then could you at least dial back the tenseness? Because Cas notices that type of thing, and he'll demand answers, Dean, and he'll get them." Dean smirked.

"Yeah, Cas is very persuasive."

".....Ew." Dean laughed.

"Alright, I'll try to chill out a little. But I really need to get back to work, and I'm sure you have stupid boring laws to read or something."

"It's not boring. Criminal Law is-" Dean hung up before his brother could bore him to sleep.


As Dean stepped into his house later that day, all thoughts of being calm went out his head. He couldn't help it. Just being there, watching Cas and Ellie, seeing them acting so innocent and sweet- it made Dean's fear of having it all ripped away that much more real.

"Hello Dean," Cas smiled at him. Ellie made a gleeful noise, reaching for the Winchester. Dean smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes as he crossed the room and picked up his daughter.

"Hello Ellie," He commented, kissing the top of her head. "Were you good for Cas today?" She shrieked, tugging at his shirt. Dean smirked and turned to his husband. "Hello angel," Cas kissed him,  but still eyed his husband carefully, knowing that something still had Dean on edge.

"I made pie." The angel offered, and Dean gasped.

"Oh my god, you're the best."

"You should really stop using my father's name like that."

"Never- especially when it comes to pie."

"Pyyyyy!!!" Ellie cried out, mimicking the word. 

"So close!" Dean told her. "PIIIIIIIE."

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