Chapter 8 - The Nightmare

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Eman and Safiya had been enjoying each other's company for about an hour. Their conversation went beyond the dream and turned into the trials and tribulations of medical school, growing up with African immigrants as parents, and funny sibling stories. "This is the best date I've ever been on and it's not even a date," Safi thinks while Eman tells her a story of him and his brother getting in trouble for having a water balloon fight in their parents' bathroom.

After another hour rolls around, they decide to not hold up the table any longer as the restaurant got busier. Eman pays for the check and they exit the restaurant.

"Well, I have to go catch the bus before they stop running. I'll see you around maybe?" Safi asks with hopeful eyes. Eman smiles and nods. They stand on the sidewalk just staring at each other for a few seconds before Safi turns and starts to walk away.

"I'll call you!" Eman shouts when she gets several feet away. Safi turns in shock and starts laughing.

"Okay!" she shouts back with a big smile. She continues her walk to the bus stop with a big goofy smile on her face.

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Safi grabs a patient chart from the nurse counter and thumbs through it when she realizes it's a chart for the psychiatric ward. "Ooh a chance to see Eman again" ,she thinks with a small smile. Safiya walks to the elevator and heads up to the psychiatric ward. She gets off the elevator when her phone buzzes. Oh just mom asking me to come over for dinner. Safi turns the corner and bumps into a person running and begins to fall. Why does this feel familiar again? Papers are flying everywhere and an arm catches her by the waist. Safi laughs when she looks up and sees Eman.

"We really gotta stop doing this Eman" she giggles standing up straight. The man looks confused as he hands her back the patient chart and picks up his papers.

"Um, I'm not Eman. You must know my twin brother. I'm Elias.", says the look alike while Safi stares at him with wide eyes. Safi opens her mouth hoping for words to come out, but she ends up just looking like dumbass not knowing what to say.

"You do like familiar though. Like I've seen you somewhere. I just can't think of where." Elias recalls while Safi puts her head in her hands. Why is this happening again?

Safi realizes that some people are staring at them. Safi pulls Elias into an empty hallway. She takes a deep breath because she's about to risk sounding insane again.

"Would it happen that you saw me in a dream" , she asks cautiously. Elias thinks for a moment and then his eyes widen like a lightbulb went off in his head.

"Yeah! It's gonna sound weird but I've had this dream where I bump into somebody in that hallway. I've had the dream for a couple of weeks now for some reason." Elias responds with a hand on his chin. Safiya groans and puts her head in her hands again. He told me had a brother, but not an IDENTICAL TWIN brother.

Little did Safi know, that was not going to be last shock she was going to receive.

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