Chapter 4 - The Investigation

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Safi finishes out her first day of pediatric clinicals and heads home on the bus. She plays her newest playlist of songs "Let's Get Married" and lets the sounds of Daniel Caesar and H.E.R take her mind away from the day's events. However, she knew the minute she gets home, a full blown investigation of this man was about to happen.

Safiya opens her apartment door and is immediately greeted by her cats Peaches and Cream.

"Hi babies, what did you tear up while I was gone?" She giggles as they rub up on her legs while Safi tries to enter her apartment. She puts away her bag and heads to the kitchen to whip up something for dinner.

"Let's see what our options are todaaaay" ,Safi sings as she opens the fridge door. She grabs a few containers of food her mom brought her the other day. Food from her mom always makes her day end on a good note. She serves herself a plate and pops it into the microwave. She checks her phone for the notifications that piled up from the day.

It was the typical notifications from her social media accounts, a few texts from some friends, and a missed call from an ex. Safi's eyes roll at that notification. She grabs her food and heads to her room to relax to some show on Netflix. While her show plays, she grabs her laptop.

"Time to do a little digging," she whispers while opening her laptop.

Safiya goes into full blown investigation mode. She needed to know who this man is, what he does, why he is at that hospital, and damn, while she's at it find out if he's single. She types in the Boston Children's Hospital and searches the psychiatry page to find the staff directory.

She didn't know if he even worked there but she had to have hope. She scrolls through the list of names and pictures before she spots his face. Dr. Eman Kalu, first year child psychiatry resident.

Safi stares at his picture for a few seconds before clicking the profile. Why did she keep dreaming about this man? Would the dream continue tonight since she finally saw his face? These questions swirl through her head till she hears licking on her plate. She looks over the see a body and tail near her empty plate.

"Cream! Get your little fat self away from my plate. There's nothing left," Safi laughs as she grabs the cat and puts her on the floor. She turns back to her laptop.

"Eman Kalu." She could put a name to the face now. She grabs her phone and opens up twitter to see if he had an account. Of course, with a name like his, there's probably not many search results. She scrolls for a few seconds before she spots his face. Wow, I've gone full stalker mode. She keeps going anyways.

After about an hour of finding out everything she possibly could from Eman's social media accounts, Safi decides to go to bed. She needed to come up with a plan to bump into him again. General pediatrics is a little far from the psychiatric ward, so the excuse needs to be good. She rolls over in bed and turns out the light. Tomorrow, she will meet the man in her dreams.

Author's Note:
The "Let's Get Married" playlist is a real playlist created by me! If you have Apple Music, here's the link to it. Enjoy!

Update: switched over to Spotify !

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