The Chun case

Crime: First degree murder

Victim: Chun Taewoo, 22, unmarried, no children, no siblings, lives with suspected boyfriend Kim Jihun.

Prime suspect: Kim Jihun, 20, unmarried, no children, one sibling. Was the last person to see the victim prior to death. Traces of victim's blood on clothes.

Time of death: 7th of September 2018, approximately 1 am according to experts, « a little after midnight » according to Kim Jihun's testimony.

Cause of death: Hit by a car violently, multiple times. Car supposedly belongs to Kim Jihun, prime suspect. No traces of DNA other than Kim Jihun's.

Potential key items for the case:

- Victim's Instagram profile @chuntaetae
[A/N: it fucking exists guys you better go fuckin check it out cause I spent a shitload of time making it]

- Access to the last online conversation Kim Jihun had with the victim, two months prior to victim's death

- Access to the last online conversation Kim Jihun had with the victim, two months prior to victim's death

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PRISONERS [Taekook]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat