Chapter 6: Day Two

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I couldn't sleep last night. Not after seeing those two eyes of darkness swarm with such despair and the tears falling down his pale skin. Not with that trembling lip and those last words he spoke for the night.

Even yesterday morning couldn't compare to how guilty he looked, felt. Yesterday night was a whole other level of guilt, depression, sadness. Something not in a million years I would want to feel.

I remembered the dreadful silence that had followed after he spoke those final words. It was no longer beautiful and peaceful. The moment the air shifted, it stayed that way.

This was part of the reason I didn't want to tell him anything, anything at all that could possibly sadden those pitch black eyes of his. Because even though it's been months, I know he holds a little part of my heart still and that feeling is taking its sweet, painstakingly long time to go and leave.

I look at my phone after ecieving another text, all from Sloan. Except this one is from Jungkook himself. I'm surprised he even texted me.

Saturday, 4:18 A.M.

Jungkook: Hey, you awake?

I almost didn't want to answer. I hated the way he looked after I told him. Yes, he may be a popular guy and someone everyone will bend to his will for but at one point in my life, he was a true friend. No matter how hard I try, I can't let that go. And I don't want his sorry's and I don't want to see his guilt. Something I caused.

Jungkook: Y/n? You there?

You: Yeah, I am

Jungkook: Couldn't sleep

You: No

Jungkook: Can I see you?

You: Won't our parents be

Jungkook: We'll be back
before they wake up.

You: I guess that's OK

Jungkook: Meet me on the

You: sure

I was scared, to see him. I didn't know what would be waiting for me there on the Beach. He was a mystery to me. Anything could be said, any emotion seen when I step close enough to just hear, to just see.

I shrug on my jacket, preparing for the chilly air to hit my bare legs as I step out of the hotel room. The ocean breeze was chilly with the low warmth of weather. In warm places, it's always cold at night.

I begin to walk in the silence as I look at the glimmering lights. Only the sounds of waves could be heard from this far away. Employees would pass here and there but no words were spoken, only the padding of our feet passing by would be heard throughout the corridors.

Then, I see him. He sits on the sand careless. The breeze brushes back his hair as a stronger wind comes by. I pull my jacket closer to my body as I step around objects on the sandy beach.

The boy doeant as so much look my way as I approach him but I know he senses me here with him. I sit down next to him and look out at the view.

My mind drifts to the other moments we shared like this. We seem to both have a knack for views. Especially when you can just sit and stare at them forever. No worries, no stress, just peace. A way to get away from it all. A visual escape.

Fate Met In Paradise || Jeon JungkookΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα