Hey dude! Stop stealin my pots!

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"Utari, hurry up!" Killua yells for me.

"I refuse to hold the diamond again!" I yell.

"Oh come on! We get more money when you hold the diamond!" Leorio yells.

"No way! I'll just stand to the side! Killua can hold the diamond!" I yell, refusing to wear that tight dress again.

I hate it when weirdos stare at me, like what happened yesterday!

"Ugh! Fine I'll hold the diamond! Just hurry up!" Killua yells. I finally come out of the bathroom in the apartment that we're staying at.

"Great!" I say, earning an irritated look come from Killua.

Two guys wearing suits, come up, talking about making real money.

I see a small smirk come from Leorio.

The man starts to lead us through an alley, then to a back door of a building.

We go in an elevator, getting to the floor we see two big guys arm wrestling.

Eww, smells like sweat.

One of the guys win, as the audience starts to cheer.

The man starts to talk with Leorio, about taking 50 percent of the profit we make. Leorio gives in once he hears how much we'll make, even with fifty percent taken off.

"Go! Gon!" Leorio says.

Right before the match begins, the lights turn on. Leaving everyone confused.

"Sorry folks! But the arm wrestling competition is canceled! We'll now be doing some conditioning auctioning!" The man yells into a mic.

I hate this. Ugly sweaty people every where. Ugly dude wearing just underwear. To top it all off, we're not even making any money! Thank gosh I decided not to wear a dress!

Then the man starts to hand out flyers, and talk about hide and seek. What is happening?

People start to whisper, about the pictures on the flyer. One of them look like the girl Gon arm wrestled yesterday.

"To win the prize! You must capture the people on the flyer! For every person you bring in you will win 2 billion Jenny!" The man announces.

You know what? We would probably make more money, if I where the one arm wrestling. Dang it! Missed opportunity right there!

After walking out, plus signing up for the competition, killua starts to explain the information he heard, when people were talking about the dudes on the flyer.

They continue to talk, then get on the subject of Kurapika.

"I'll call him," Gon says, pulling out his beetle. He doesn't answer.

"Is he working?" Leorio asks.


"I hear he's a body guard, probably for someone important," leorio says.

Body guard?


"Nothin, I got nothin," Leorio says, leaning back on the chair. Turning away from the computer.

"What about you, Utari?" Leorio says turning to me.

"Huh? What? Y-yeah nothin here," I respond looking at the computer screen. "Come on, come on! Nooo!" I throw down my headphones. "Dang it! I lost!" I yell, picking back up the headphones, since there technically the cafes.

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