Internships (PART 1)

Start from the beginning

Time Skip

Izuku was at the address that stood on the internship request of Gran Torino. It didn't look like an internship place to him. It was just a normal house. 'It looks like he is retired as well.' Izuku thought. Izuku walked up the driveway, and to the door. He rang the bell, but no one came to open the door. Izuku checked if it was locked, and the door was not locked. Out of curiosity, Izuku opened the door, and what he saw was breathtaking. He saw an old man laying on the floor, with a blood-like substance under him. Out of instinct, Izuku lifted the old man to check how big the wound was. Then Izuku noticed the old man didn't have a wound mark. He was actually completely fine. Izuku looked to where the man had been laying and saw a plate with sausages, and a cracked ketchup bottle. "Ohoy! You acted faster than I expected," the old man suddenly exclaimed. "Wah!" Izuku fell back but quickly got back up on his feet. "Kid, who are you?" the old man asked. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I came here for the internship sir." Izuku replied. "And you are?" "I'm Gran Torino. But you can call me Sorahiko." the old man replied. "You're Gran Torino? I thought you would be taller and more muscular." Izuku said as he examined Sorahiko. Sorahiko was about 130 cm tall, and he had a skinny and limp body. He wore a yellow cape, with yellow gloves, and boots. He also wore a full body monochrome suit that was skin tight. He had a yellow belt with a big, black G in the middle. He also had a black mask, that covered his eyes. "Well, time hasn't been nice to me kid," Sorahiko said. 'I can see that.' Izuku thought. (Sorahiko aka. former pro hero, Gran Torino: Gran Torino has a quirk that lets him send out strong forces of wind, through the openings in his boots, increasing his speed massively. Quirk: Jet.)

"But now... Attack me." Sorahiko said before he started to jump around at very high speeds. "How are you so fast, considering your age?" Izuku asked. "My quirk lets me send out massive wind forces through the holes in my soles and they let me go faster than most people," Sorahiko said. Izuku accepted what would be a tough battle. Izuku first examined Sorahiko's movements, and he noticed that Sorahiko would never jump at the same place two times. Izuku first thought to wait it out, until Sorahiko started attacking. Izuku protected himself, making small ice shields. And as Sorahiko had just jumped from the wall to the ceiling, Izuku froze the floor where he knew Sorahiko was landing. Sorahiko then slipped and lost his balance, creating an opening for Izuku. Izuku jumped forward using 10% of OFA and hitting the old man in his side.

"I believe you don't need any training," Sorahiko said as he got up. "Instead of training, we're going to Hosu city to hunt criminals." Izuku's eyes glowed up when Sorahiko said this. "But we're only going after small villains. Not someone like Stain." Gran Torino continued. Stain was a villain, killing fake heroes. Heroes that only did their job for money, fame or ladies. Stain had gotten the nickname, Hero Killer, and he had newly injured the pro hero Ingenium so badly that he couldn't move his legs, ultimately making him kind of quirkless.

Izuku sat on the train with Sorahiko, both in their hero costumes. They were talking about different 1v2 strategies they could use against villains that were alone. That was when a Nomu suddenly ripped up the side of the train, leaving a giant hole on the side of the train. The Nomu was holding a pro-hero in his hands. The hero looked beat, and he wasn't moving, probably unconscious. This Nomu wasn't the same as the one in USJ. This Nomu had wings, grey skin, and a normal mouth. This Nomu was also much less muscular. It looked at Izuku and Sorahiko, before flying away, without the hero. Sorahiko immediately jumped after the Nomu. "Kid, take care of the hero, and don't follow me," he said before jumping after the Nomu. Izuku ran over to the unconscious hero and checked his pulse. '*phew* He's luckily still alive.' Izuku said before turning to the passengers on the train. "Help this guy with the first aid kit, and stay at the train station when you get there. Whatever you do, don't go into the city," he said before jumping out of the train, and onto a roof. He saw fire in all directions, and three Nomu on either part of the city.

Izuku was about to jump down and handle the Nomu before he noticed something in the corner of his eye. On one of the rooftops stood a guy with many hands covering his body, and a smoke-like substance with a suit stood beside him. Izuku turned to them and saw what he didn't want to see. It was the two villains from USJ.

Izuku sneaked up behind them. When Izuku jumped forward to grab the mist guy, a Nomu landed between him and the other villains. This Nomu was the same as from USJ, only it had a normal mouth, but no eyes. "Oh... what do we have here? Is it the kid that wants to play hero?" Tomura said. "I'm not playing hero. I am a hero!" Izuku said as he charged the Nomu. Izuku then Used his ice to impale the Nomu in the chest. Izuku then used the ice spear, jumped on it, and over the Nomu. He was then going to hit Tomura in the head, but as he was going to hit him a black mist surrounded. Izuku was then teleported to the other side of the city.

'I nearly had him.' Izuku thought as he gritted his teeth. 'They have probably found another place to view the destruction, so what I should focus on now is to help the other pros and minimize damage.' Izuku thought. He then started running to the closest screams, when in the corner of his eye he saw two people on the ground and one bigger person standing over them. Out of instinct Izuku ran into the alleyway and shot a wave of fire at the one standing. He jumped back and away from the flames. When Izuku came closer, he saw that the two on the ground was the pro hero native and... Iida?! "What happened Iida?" Izuku asked. "His quirk allows him to paralyze his opponent if he tastes their blood. I can't move, neither can Native." Iida replied. "You shouldn't interfere in my work kid." He could hear a raspy voice. Izuku looked up and saw the hero killer, Stain. "Iida, why are you here?" Izuku ignored Stain. "I chose the hero Manual to be my internship, so I could kill Stain!" Iida shouted with anger directed towards Stain, and tears in his eyes. "He disabled my brother! Even though my brother was a true hero!" "Your brother was not a true hero, and you're not any better. Trying to kill me for you selfish goals, and for your own good. That's two of the main factors of a fake hero." Stain interfered. "I was about to kill Native here when this brat interfered in my work. And now you're here. It's nothing personal kid, but I can't have anyone to get away." Stain said, now looking at Izuku. The last thing Izuku did before his fight with Stain was to send his location to someone else.

End Of Chapter 12!

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to make a new chapter. I don't even have a good excuse, I just really didn't want to write anything for a while. But starting now I'm going to make some new chapters on the other books I'm working on. Please forgive me for my laziness. 🙏

Oh, and I noticed we have over 4K reads! Thank you guys so much, as always! Hope you like every part I make. Nothing else to say, so, Author Out!

Word Count: 2004!

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